With every motorist, sooner or later happensThe situation when he needs to make an important trip, even if the weather "whispers" to stay at home. What can I do if I have to move on roads that are washed away by heavy rains, covered with clay, or, worse, a thick layer of ice. In such a situation, automotive snow chains will be excellent assistants for you and your cars.

Choice of structure

Such chains can be made independently,because this is not a very complicated and time-consuming process. Before you learn how to make a chain, prepare all the necessary tools. You will need: a bulgarian and two discs, as well as the chain itself, tensioners and hooks. It is desirable that your chain is made of reinforced wire. The structure of the chain can have the form of a rhombus, ladder and honeycomb. In order not to spend a lot of time and to make a chain in the shortest possible time, it is better to choose the type of ladder, since this is the most practical and simple system of weaving. However, when using such a weave, it is necessary to know that the car will move in jerks, which can adversely affect the suspension, as well as damage the transmission of the car. Therefore, if you have a long road, then choose a weaving in the form of a honeycomb or a diamond. They will increase the controllability of the car many times and ensure a smooth movement. The main advantage of chains with such weaving is that the probability of "burying" in a loose ground is practically reduced to zero.

Manufacture of a chain of anti-skid

On an example of manufacturing of a chain of the most simpleWeaving - ladder, it's not difficult to understand the main points, how to make chains on wheels from any other kind of weaving: First of all, you need to cut two or four pieces of chain. Their size should match the diameter of the wheel. Then the chain is cut into small pieces, which will act as the basis of adhesion to the road. The more such segments are made, the better and smooth will be the movement of the car along the road.

Now the chain must be fixed in a vice andattach segments with the help of hooks to the basis of the chain itself: long segments prepared at the initial stage of work. Thus, it turned out an excellent visual ladder from the chain.

Installation of chains on wheels of the car

When you learned how to make chainsanti-skid, you need to figure out how to install them on the wheels of your car. The most important rule of installation is that the chains must be installed only on the driving wheels of the car, since their installation on non-driven wheels does not have absolutely no effect, but the wear of the wheels greatly increases. In the event that you own an all-wheel-drive car, you will need two sets of chains to install them on all wheels.

Before starting installation, carefully inspect the circuit: it is necessary to verify their integrity. Then you should spread the chains in front of the wheels of the car. Do this in such a way that the chain locks are located on the outside of the body. Now you can run the wheels on the chain and fasten them. After installation, make sure that the locks on the chains are tight and securely closed. Pay special attention to this process, as I can unfasten the chain while the vehicle is moving, thereby creating an emergency situation on the road. Sometimes drivers for greater reliability and safety pull together strong wire locks chains. Well, it's up to you to use such a preventive tool.

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