In order for your mobile deviceconnected to the Wi-Fi network "Beltelecom", you need to first become familiar with the requirements put forward by the company regarding the devices. For example, a connection to Wi-Fi will not be possible if the built-in or external wireless network adapter is working on a standard other than 802.11 b. Only after you make sure that you are the owner of the "right" mobile device, understand how to connect WiFi ByFly.

First step

Following the step-by-step instructions onconnection, you can without any help do all the work. So, first you need to configure the network connection, for which go to the "Network Neighborhood", by clicking on the right mouse button, then find the "Properties" section. The "Network Connections" window will open. Select "Wireless network connection", open it and find the "Properties" section. After performing such simple actions, you can configure the wireless network adapter. But for this you need to execute several more commands.

After opening the Properties window, open thethe General tab. Here you need to select "Components ...", and in this section "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)". Here, click on the "Properties" button, and then set the following criteria: IP address and DNS server. After installation, confirm your actions by pressing "OK".

The next step is to connect to the wirelessnetwork. To do this, on the "Wireless Networks" tab, in the left box next to "Use Windows to configure the network," check the box. Then go to the section "Available networks", where we click on "Wireless networks". "Available networks" is in the same tab where the previous tab was located (next to it we ticked). A list of available networks will open, including "BELTELECOM". Click on this title and on "Connect". In principle, all this work is not difficult at all, especially if you are trying to learn how to connect ByFly via WiFi. After these steps, you connect your device to the wireless network of this operator.

Second step

Performing in turn all instructions for installationconnection, you must open the browser. In most cases, users work with Internet Explorer. Because it is installed on most computers as the default browser. Now type in a specific address. As a result, you should have the Weblogin authorization page with two fields - "Identifier" and "Password". These fields must be filled with values ​​from the access card. In the "Identifier" field, enter "[email protected]", and in the password field, the password that is specified on the access card.

Third step

At the last stage, you need to check the workwireless network. When correctly performed, after logging on, statistics are opened for using the wireless network. In most cases, users who learned how to connect ByFly through WiFi do not close the statistics page until after they finish working on the computer. After all, they control the amount of traffic sent and downloaded, and at any time can find out how much unused traffic remains until the end of the reporting period.

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