Because of weather instabilities, it is difficult to understand,in what kind of rubber "shoe" your car. Answer the question of when to change the rubber to winter, it's easy. To do this, just listen to the general recommendations.

It's better not to wait for the snow to fall out orfirst freezing. Of course, on summer tires, you can quietly drive in cold weather. But her behavior will be obedient only at plus temperature and before the first crust of ice, snow or just dirt appears. Leading manufacturers of tires give clear unambiguous recommendations: as soon as the average temperature in a day drops to +5 - +7 degrees - it's a sign that it's time to change tires. Everything is due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition of summer and winter tires. Winter stud tires are much more effective when braking on ice, rather than conventional ones.

Before the time to change the winter for summer tires is notcosts, as in the morning it is easy to fly into trouble. The temperature can rise to +13 in the daytime, and frosts continue in the mornings. Therefore, in the spring to change the rubber is better for a week later than one day earlier. Too late with this business is also not good, since the winter tires are softer than summer, so at temperatures from +10 degrees it starts to work worse. When heated from the sun and on warm asphalt rubber becomes even softer and faster erased, shortening the life of its service, which on average should be 3-4 years. In addition, the braking distance with such rubber is not lengthened in the season, the control over the car is reduced, and your trip becomes uncomfortable and unsafe.

Now you know when to change the tires to winter, and vice versa - winter to summer. Follow these guidelines and this will help to save lives for you and your car.

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