Most people who own a car know thatThe gas distribution mechanism plays an important role in the operation of the engine, and its component part - the belt occupies a special place. It is called in different ways: the timing, the serrated, the synchronizing. It ensures the correct operation of the distributing and crankshafts, the timely removal of gases, fuel supplies.

Changing belt timing belt

In some cases, belt replacementlaborious process and without knowledge in it is difficult to understand - it is better to contact specialists. But it's up to the car owner to decide when to change the timing belt. Otherwise, the consequences in most cases are rather deplorable. In rare cases, when the belt is broken, especially in diesel engines, the latter will remain intact. As a rule, the valve is first bent, the piston system may be damaged, even the head of the block can crack. In such cases, a major overhaul of the engine is ensured, and even its complete replacement, at a cost of an order of magnitude more expensive simply by replacing the belt. The same consequences can occur with the so-called jumping of teeth, when the belt is strongly stretched or the teeth are smoothed.

When should the strap be replaced?

In the instruction manual of the cardifferent timing of the replacement of the timing between 80 and 200 000 km. Unequivocally it is necessary to tell, the maximum run should not be waited. There must necessarily be a stock of 20 000-30 000 km, t. It is not known what manufacturer and quality they put in the previous service car. The stock can be less under the conditions: the car was bought new, the operation of the vehicle without large overloads and serious breakdowns of the gas distribution mechanism. Now we will consider the cases when it is necessary to change the timing belt in a mandatory manner. The first case is described from above - at a run of more than 60 000 km.

When buying a used car, even if there is evidence of its last replacement, they may just be unreliable.

If during the operation out of orderpump, jammed the roller, but the belt did not tear, during repair it is necessary and to change it. And, on the contrary, when changing the belt, change, at least rollers, seals, tensioners, etc.

During visual inspection, the belt itself was found to be damaged: cord breaking, cracks, smoothing of teeth.

Other signs of the need to replace the timing belt

One of the signs of the need to replace the timingis the "squealing" of the roller, most likely, there was a development of the bearing lubrication and probably jamming. The belt is changed when: the belt does not stretch: the tension roller has failed, as a result of wear, the belt is stretched, with the engine running it is clear that the belt is not scrolling in the center of the roller, it is moving. If it is difficult for you to determine when you need to change the timing belt, it is best every year - before winter, to call at the SRT to inspect the belt specialist.

Strap for replacement is better to choose well-known manufacturers and from sellers who give a guarantee. The warranty is also given on the firm's service station, where the replacement is made.

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