Many couples seek to attest to theirmarriage not only in the registry office, but also in the church by holding a wedding ceremony. However, in the event of a divorce before the former spouses, the question arises of the dissolution of church marriage. In what cases is it considered possible, is there a procedure for debunking, and what is needed for it?

Dissolution of church marriage

To begin with, in the Orthodox religious culture there is no special rite of debunking. And the very term, in fact, no.

Clergymen emphasize that the wedding -It is a way to receive for your marriage the blessing of God, the church. With the termination of marriage as such, the wedding is automatically "canceled", because there is no longer a "blessing object" itself.

The only thing that can be required isTo obtain permission for a new wedding in the event of entering into another marriage union. For this, a married couple needs to come to church and, having provided documents (passports, certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage and a new certificate of marriage), ask the bishop for consent to re-wedding. You need to be prepared for the priest to ask you to tell about the factors that provoked the divorce of the last marriage.

It should be understood that the church is far from beingevery reason for divorce can be considered really weighty. Marriage is considered a sacred union, requiring the spouses sincere in-depth work on relationships. The couple must do everything to preserve this priceless treasure, and therefore the reason for the dissolution of the marriage must be very weighty.

Grounds for divorce

April 7, 1918 Local Council of the Russian Churchaccepted the situation, which detailed the issue of termination of civil marriage, lit by the church. The document is still valid today, but in a slightly augmented form.

Among the significant circumstances for the divorce are:

  • Death of one of the spouses.
  • Abortion made by the wife without her husband's consent (unless it was prescribed by a medical testimony).
  • Recognition of one of the spouses as missing.
  • Violence against family members and other people, involvement in illegal activities.
  • The presence of one of the spouses of diseases such as syphilis, leprosy;
  • Treason (one or more).
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and other vices.

If a person who wishes to re-entermarriage, refers to these and some other factors that caused the divorce, then the church can give approval for another wedding ceremony. The spouse, who has the same vices, can no longer receive such approval.

By the way, the Orthodox Church allows to get married.not more than three times. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of marriage, weddings and divorce with all responsibility. Perhaps, sometimes it is worthwhile first to live in marriage for a while and only then, being sure that this person is your second half, get married.

Also you can be useful article. How to be dethroned in the church.

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