The wedding is a very happy and joyful day. Marriage of the daughter causes sincere tears in the eyes of the parents. But, these are tears of joy. Preparing for a wedding is a very long and complicated process. Everything must be approached with a very great responsibility. Particularly carefully choose a wedding photographer to capture every moment of this happy day. Although, usually the photographer is not allowed to shoot the blessing of the young. As a rule, everyone is engaged in either a specially hired man, or the closest friends of the bridegroom or bride. Parents are practically not engaged in the preparation of the wedding of the young. They are destined for a more important fate. They need to know how to bless their daughter for marriage. It is also very important to know which icon the daughter is blessed with.

Preparation for blessing

Before you bless your daughter before the wedding,you will need an icon that will be the keeper of a new family. There are many opinions as to which icon the daughter blesses. But the church does not impose any specific restrictions, so, it can be any icon, but most often it is the icon of the Mother of God. In some families there is an icon that is passed on from generation to generation. In this case, the icon acts as a family relic. The gifted icon will stand in the holy corner, at home with the young. There are also cases when the parents of the bride and groom together buy an icon and then give to the young. This is the simplest and most obvious way. If you have already bought an icon, you need to find out how to bless your daughter correctly.

Blessing on the day of the wedding

On the day of the wedding, the groom comes home to the futurewife "to redeem" her. Usually they "sell" the bride a friend or close friends of the bride. Necessarily after all the tests are completed, and the groom gave the bride a wedding bouquet - a symbol of his love for her, and also a guard for the whole day. However, this scenario may vary depending on established family traditions. This is only an approximate and most general sequence of events.

After the groom has seen the bride, and the youngready to go to the registry office, the moment comes when the blessing of parents is needed. Only parents and young people can be present at the blessing, but the presence of the godparents is also possible. Parents and newlyweds must gather in a separate room, where no one will be. Young must stand in front of their parents. The icon should be turned face to face with the young. This is a very exciting moment. Try to think over your words in advance. But this should not be a very long speech.

The wishes of the parents sound, and the mother blessesdaughter, and her fiance. Parents say admonitory words, they wish happiness and love to a new family. After all the important words are told, you need to cross three times in turn the groom and the bride. Then they must kiss the icon, and then necessarily cross themselves. After the parents have blessed the young, the bride and groom go to the registrar to consolidate their relationship by marriage. When a couple goes outside and goes to the wedding car, they are usually covered with wheat, coins and sweets, so that their life is full, rich and sweet.

This is only the most general scenario of how correctlybless my daughter before the wedding. There are a variety of traditions that you could learn from your grandparents. But the stage on which the mother blesses the daughter is considered to be inalienable. Each region can have its own traditions or customs. Stop on the way that you liked most. So far, there is much debate about how to bless your daughter for marriage the right thing.

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