When does Ramadan begin?
Ramadan (also called Ramadan) is the ninthmonth of the Muslim calendar, a sacred time for all Muslims. During this month, all Muslims, except for young children, pregnant women, infirm elderly and seriously ill patients, are required to observe fasting.
Fasting imposes on the Muslim prohibitions in the daytime on the use of water and food, as well as to engage in sex. After sunset, the ban does not work.
Due to the fact that the Muslim calendardiffers in duration from the Gregorian, every year the date when Ramadan begins, from the perspective of the Europeans shifted by 10-11 days. Thus, if in 2012 Ramadan lasted from July 20 to August 19, then in 2013, it will begin on July 11 and end on August 9, in 2014. Ramadan should be from July 1 to July 29, and in 2015. - from June 18 to July 16.
These dates are preliminary,since the exact time of the onset and termination of the Muslim fast is determined on the basis of astronomical observations. As a result, the dates of the coming and ending of the holy month of Ramadan may not coincide in different countries.
In addition to the location, as of the date of the announcement ofthe beginning and the end of the post can be affected by weather conditions. According to the traditions in many countries, the beginning of fasting is announced after several reliable eyewitnesses confirm that they have seen a young month.