To accept the religion of Allah Almighty - Islam,It is required to pronounce the words of the most important and basic Islamic testimony - Shahad. It can be pronounced both in Arabic and in any other language that you know. This testimony must be pronounced with a firm belief in the heart and with the final decision to convert to Islam. It is necessary to abandon all beliefs that contradict the religion of the Supreme Creator.

Muslim Beliefs

"Ashgadu allea ilahaha illahLah ua ashhadu annaMuhammadar-RasululLah, this is the evidence of Monotheism, in translation into Russian it means: "I testify that there is no God except Allah, and I also testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

This evidence is based on the faithfula Muslim on what is the One God, the One for all mankind. Only God is worthy of worship, and one should not worship anything other than God, such as people, pictures, animals, etc. Every Muslim believes in all God's prophets, whom the Creator sent to us, from the very first man in the land of Adam - to the last of all prophets and messengers of Allah Almighty, Muhammad. The Muslim also believes in Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Ismail, David (Daud), Moses (Moses), Jesus (Isa) and all the other prophets sent to humanity. Every Muslim believes that all the prophets of God had a single, single religion: submission and worship only to the One and All-Powerful God. Accepting Islam is not a betrayal of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, Muslims are very fond of the son of Mary, Jesus, because he is a great prophet of God. Also, a person professing Islam recognizes all the Scriptures transmitted by messengers, such as the Psalter, the Torah, the Gospel, the Koran. Also, the Muslim believes that all the scriptures have been modified, and at the present moment there is only the Holy Quran in unchanged form.

After the person gave the testimony,he becomes a Muslim. Other people professing Islam must also know about this, therefore it is necessary to say the words of shahada in the presence of two Muslim men who observe the religion of Allah.

Islam is a religion for all mankind

Many people believe that in Islam there are somedivision, but it is not. It does not matter what your question is, how to take Islam to a girl, or a man, or a child, or how to accept Islam as a Russian girl, German, or Japanese. In Islam there are no divisions on any soil. The essence of Islam is that all people are equal before the Most High God.

The fact that a person accepted the religion of Allah isthe greatest grace and gift of the Most High Creator. After this, the main task of man is to save his faith and his correct beliefs. And for this it is necessary to obtain knowledge of religion, to improve oneself. The Prophet Muhammad himself said that the desire for knowledge is the duty of every Muslim and every Muslim. Therefore, when a person has become a Muslim, it is very important to seek help from an educated religious teacher in order to obtain a minimum base for Islam. Studying this, a Muslim learns how to perform fivefold prayer, hajj, fasting, etc. Muslims wish each person to come to faith in the One God - to worship and obedience only to the Creator. After the acceptance of Islam by the grace of Allah Almighty, all sins are forgiven, and the person becomes pure, like a newborn.

How the Russians Accept Islam

The tendency of acceptance of Islam among Russianof the population has existed for 10 years and will only gain momentum in the future. As noted writer Alexander Bushkov, "Islam in general, does not contradict the Russian mentality, which was proved by fugitives from our homeland to Muslim countries, from the Cossacks to the soldiers of the Caucasian regiments." Although among Russian Muslims there are no outstanding personalities like Roger Garaudy, René Guénon or Claudio Mutti, but this is only the beginning. Moreover, mainly Russian Muslims are people with an active life position. The motives of those who accept Islam are completely different: they are those who combine marriage with a representative of Islam, those who are sympathetic to the east and its culture, as well as those who knowingly accept Islam as a religion in its concrete manifestation - such people are more Serious, and their majority.

We hope that our article has helped you, andnow you know how to accept Islam. After all, a Muslim is the happiest person in this life, and in eternal life he is waited with Paradise and pleasures given by the Supreme Lord!

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