The word "eunuch" has several meanings. The first is a man who is deprived of the opportunity to have children. The second is a high-ranking official at the court. There is also the definition of a "monk-eunuch". Let's take a closer look at who the eunuch is, and in what sense this word is used.

The eunuch is the "keeper of the bed"

This literal translation of the word "eunuch" from the Greeklanguage. I wonder who the eunuch is, and what bed he should guard? The Bible describes how pagan peoples castrated captive children and appointed them servants at court. These courtiers guarded the bedrooms of the rulers. They watched the royal harem, where there were several dozen women. The castration of the eunuchs defended the royal dynasty from illegitimate children from the people of the lower class. Often the eunuchs were called - the guardian of wives, the guardian of concubines or the servant of the queen.

But, eunuchs were also called men bornwith mutilated reproductive organs. In ancient Israel, they could only participate in the worship of God to a limited extent. They were forbidden to enter the Israeli assembly. We can imagine how humiliated they felt because they were deprived of the opportunity to have children.

And, someone deliberately went to castration. This is common among some religious cultures. The eunuch monk gave himself wholly to the service of God, denying his sinful flesh in pleasures.

So, it does not matter whether a man became a eunuch or was born this way, in society he always felt incomplete.

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