Anyone who asks himself what the canon is, it would be a good idea to begin with the etymology of this often used word. "Canon" is the Greek word. In translation means norm, rule, law, dogma.

The canon is often associated in our minds withChristianity. I'll explain why. There is such a thing as the biblical canon, which signifies the inspired books of the Bible. And the canon of the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant differ in the composition of the works.

There is another stable word combination - "church canon". It relates to the rules of the organization of the church, to the dogmatism of the cult ...

In addition to the direct word "canon" there is also a figurative meaning. Canon in a figurative sense means something permanently established, generally accepted.

Also, the word "canon" has narrowly specificvalues. In the visual arts, the canon is a kind of norm prevailing in the art of a certain period of time or direction. The canon in the ISO is also a work of art serving as a normative example.

There are other meanings of the word "canon". The canon is a form of multi-voiced music, it is also a genre form of liturgical poetry, it is also a stringed plucked musical instrument popular in the East and in Armenia.

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