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How to make a beautiful envelope?

About to present as a giftbanknotes, postcards or letters, you need to think about how to arrange them. To do this you will need a paper envelope. It is not necessary to use the usual postal, because you can make an original gift envelope yourself. We bring to your attention the idea of ​​how to make a beautiful envelope with your own hands.

Making a simple envelope

We will consider the simplest method of manufacturingEnvelope - for those who are not strong in the art of origami. Moreover, if you use in addition various decorative materials, then this envelope may look pretty elegant.

So, we need:

  • a square sheet of dense colored paper (or paper with illustrations, you can use a sheet of wallpaper);
  • scissors;
  • elements for decoration (stickers, laces, beads, etc.);
  • PVA glue;
  • thick needle.

Implementation Scheme

  1. the envelope
    If the paper is one-sided, we put it with the colored side down. Fold the sheet in half vertically, draw a crease and straighten it. We perform the same actions horizontally.
  2. The lower half of the sheet is divided visually into three parts. Bend 1/3 of this half to the center.
  3. The right and left corners of the bent strip are bent.
  4. The lateral edges of the resulting figure are bent to the center by a width equal to the width of the curved triangles (see the diagram).
  5. The corners of the top of the sheet are bent to the center line, so that the sides of the resulting triangles coincide.
  6. The resulting corner is bent down and put into the pocket.

The envelope is ready! It can be decorated with contrasting lace in color (glue the strip of lace on the PVA glue along or across the envelope, not forgetting the "valve"), bright stickers. An interesting design option - a thick needle to pierce holes in the form of a butterfly, flower or other ornament. Beautiful beads sewn on the valve and pocket can also decorate your envelope. Now he will not be ashamed to give!

Other ideas for making beautiful envelopes can be found in the articles:

  • How to make an envelope
  • How to make a paper envelope
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