Today there is a huge varietyvarious circles, and, of course, it is difficult to stand out from all this set. And what will help to become more visible in the "crowd"? First and foremost, a competent name, after all, strangely enough, for the consumer it plays the most important value. Let's figure out how to call a circle so that they pay attention to it.

Basic naming rules


First, the name should be unique,The use of identical or similar names with competitors is unlikely to play a good service. You create a unique product, which means that its name should be unique, and associations with other companies will interfere with the correct positioning.

Brevity is the soul of wit

The name should be sonorous and short, itshould quickly and simply be remembered. If the long name is inevitable, be sure to come up with a nice-sounding cut, but at the same time avoid complicated alphabetic and sound combinations.

Positive emotions

The name should generate only positiveemotions. But remember, if your name provokes only pleasant associations, this does not mean that it sounds nice for all other people. Be sure to check your names, at least interviewing friends and acquaintances.


Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becominggeneral, and the entrepreneur who, when creating a business, does not plan his development, is bad. Yes, even a tiny circle can grow into a large organization - a network of schools of additional education throughout the country. Therefore, considering the name, keep in mind that it should be universal and equally suitable for a small modest group and a large organization.

Reflection of the essence

Well, of course, the name should convey the essence,The name of the circle should be associated with the activities it is engaged in. Below we will consider examples of the names of circles for various activities.

Examples of names

  • Theatrical circle: "Mime", "Theaters", "Roleplay", "New Look".
  • A circle of foreign languages: "ABC", "Kid" s land "," Lingvo-world "," Polyglot ".
  • Creative group: "Art project", "Fine nature", "Talantium".
  • Music Circle: "Violin", "Sounds of Music", "By Music", "Mozart".
  • Dance Circle: "Rhythm", "Body & Soul", "In Tempo", "Bright life".

Needless to say, that quite often manyretreat from the rule of "reflection of the essence" and select for the mug is just a beautiful name. In some cases this is justified, but, it is better not to back away from the rules, because they were invented for good reason. For example, at first glance, the idea to call a children's creative club "Smeshariki" seems good - it's a buzzword, to which, roughly speaking, "will be". However, what will happen when the cartoon goes out of fashion? Your circle will immediately lose its relevance.

Read also: How to name the team.

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