Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are comic and cartoon characters, a fictional team of four mutant turtles, whose mission is to fight the evil that flourishes in the streets of their hometown.

The tortoises were created by two artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Let's remember the names of all the ninja turtles.


Leonardo (Leo) - turtle-ninja with bluebandage, is considered to be the informal leader of a team of turtles - he is always brave, resolute and disciplined. Leo steadily follows the rules of honor, his weapons are swords.


Rafael (Raf) wears a red mask - he's a littleaggressive, suspicious and has a very peculiar sense of humor. Raf often quarrels with Leo, which, as a rule, leads to excessive temper tantrums. Weapons Rafa-sai - blade cold arms, outwardly similar to a trident with an elongated middle tooth.


Michelangelo (Mickey) - turtle with yellowthe bandage. Mickey - the most fun and frivolous turtle. Mickey is very witty, kind and true. Mickey's weapons are nunchakas, he masterfully masters them, but sometimes he uses chains with hooks in battle.


Donatello (Donnie) wears a purple mask, hasreputation as a very smart guy. Donny - the least aggressive member of the team, always prefers to resolve conflicts peacefully. Nevertheless, Donnie also often "turns" into a mad professor - his inventions usually lead to terrible destructive consequences. Donnie fights with the help of the so-called sixth bo.

Turtles are named after four great artists and sculptors: Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael Santi, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Donatello.

Read also:

  • How to draw a Ninja Turtle
  • How to play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • How to make a ninja mask
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