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How to make a whistle blower?

A whistle is an original souvenir and at the same time a good gift made by oneself, which should be especially appreciated. It can be cut from twigs, molded from clay.

About how to make a whistle from various materials, we will tell in our article.

From clay

Clay crafts like many. In addition, it is quite easy to make a whistle from clay, and if it is then painted in bright colors! Forms can use a variety of - a pig, a bird, a fish, a horse. The main thing is that it should be rounded.

  1. First of all, we prepare the clay. It should be plastic (by the way, now ready-made kits for modeling are being sold - you can use them).
  2. To make a toy whistle, it must beinside empty. We make two small concave flat cakes and cover one another. It will be a body, for example, birds. The cavity inside should not get too big, as the sound will become deaf.
  3. To make the whistle steady, from the bottom we make it flattened.
  4. Next - from the clay form the head and tail of the bird, attach these parts to the hollow body. Stitch the seams carefully.
  5. One hole is made along the tail to the very cavity that is in the trunk. The second hole is from the bottom at an angle to the first one. The sound entering the cavity will resonate, making a whistle.
  6. Let the toy dry for a few days. Then you need to burn it in the oven, cool it and paint it.

Of wood

For this whistle you will need a willow twig 10 mm thick.

  1. We cut off from it an even section (without knots) about five centimeters long.
  2. With one
    we make a ring cut.
  3. We begin to tap the bark in a circle with the handle of the knife, so that it is easier to separate it from the wood.
  4. We make an oval cut and remove the bark, trying not to damage it.
  5. From the left without clothes, we cut off the rods along the cut-out line, cut off its side.
  6. We insert kruglyashok with a cut upward to the same place.
  7. Clamp the open tip of the received tube and blow. Should get a whistle.

And how to whistle without the help of objects, read in the article How to learn to whistle.

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