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How to craft a fireball?

The need for a fireball for Minecraft playersOccurs quite often. The thing is that with its help you can quickly set fire to unnecessary blocks. Also it can be used as a flint and a shell for a gun. Let's talk about how to craft a fireball.

Craft of the Fireball

To make a fireball in Minecraft, you need the following components

  • gunpowder (you can get it by killing crayers);
  • fiery powder (to take possession of it, you will need to go to Hell);
  • ordinary or charcoal (can be obtained by breaking coal ore with a pick).

It is necessary to arrange components in the craft net as follows

  • the central upper cell is gunpowder;
  • central cell in the middle row - fire powder;
  • the central lower cell is coal.

After crafting these ingredients, you willthree fireballs. You can use them to light a portal in the Lower World. If you decide to use the ball to illuminate tunnels, mines and other places (it burns twice as long as the torch), then right-click it. When using it as a projectile, you will need to saddle a special cannon from dynamite. With its help it will be possible to bomb in any direction.

We also recommend reading these articles:

  • How to make gunpowder in Minecraft
  • How to make coal in Minecraft
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