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How to make a bow in Maynkraft?

In the game Mainkraft a variety of weaponsfrom the sword to the nuclear bomb. You can play as a swordsman and archer, as well as build various traps and tricks. However, not every player knows how to craft this or that weapon. Especially at first the question arises, how to make a primitive bow in Maynkraft and what are its characteristics.

Let's consider these questions in more detail.

How to make a bow in the game Maincraft

Bow in Maincrafter is made from two simple ingredients

  • A stick that is made of two boards;
  • And a thread that you can get from dead spiders. Perhaps it is better to use a sword to kill spiders.

In the crafting window, these ingredients are necessaryput in a certain order: three strands are placed vertically in the right or left end row of the window, and three sticks in the remaining cells in the form of a triangle. Visually it looks like a bow.

Onions are also used by skeletons, however arrowsfrom the bow of the skeleton is impossible to collect, if they hit you, but after killing the skeleton, arrows can often fall out. Very rarely there is a bow from the skeleton. This is another way to get it.

Characteristics and features of onions in Maynkraft

To shoot a bow, you need arrows,which can be scrapped or collected from dead skeletons. Holding the right mouse button, you pull the string and you can shoot. It depends on the tension depends on the range of flight and the damage to the boom. Here are a few features and characteristics of the bow:

  • Maximum string tension gives a loss of 4.5 hearts, in half of the tension - 3 hearts;
  • Onions have a certain strength and break with time;
  • Bow is useless against the Wanderers of the Edge;
  • Gravity acts on the arrows, so to shoot farther away, it's better to mark the target above;
  • A bow can be enchanted with fire damage, strength, and other enchantments. And up to level 9 of the player's character, the bow is enchanted only by "Strength I";
  • The maximum distance of the arrow's flight on the plane is 50 blocks;
  • Very very rarely, a bow with a charm can fall from the skeletons;
  • If you shoot the arrow through the blocks of lava, then it will light up and set fire to any mob. However, over time, it will go out, unlike the fire-spired arrows that burn forever until they disappear.

Using these interesting features, you can play more effectively with the bow.

Also you can read our useful articles How to enchant things in Minecraft and How to make the mechanism in the maincraft.

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