Often for performances of vocalists-amateurs, nothaving their own musical ensemble, a phonogram is required on which only music would be recorded, but there would be no author's vocals. But how to remove words from the song?

Remove words using online services

Make a "minus one" (record from which you deletedvocals, but music remains) can be done with the help of services hosted on specialized websites. Such services include, for example, x-minus.org, VocalRemover. Independently you can find other sites by asking the search engine to "make a minus one online."

Algorithm of work with all similar servicesapproximately the same. Select the desired file, upload it to the site, click the "Delete Vocals" button, download the received track. As a rule, before you will be recording with a muffled, but still still distinguishable vocals.

Programs with which you can remove words from the song

More difficult to use, but more effective in terms of muffling the vocals of special music editors.

Users of the most known program is Adobe Audition, but it is distributed for a fee. You can also use the free analog of this program - the music editor Audacity:

  1. Download Audacity from the official site and install it on your computer.
  2. Open the file in the program with the song, from which you need to remove the voice.
  3. In the program menu, find the "Effects" button.
  4. From the list that appears, select "Vocal Remover (for center - panned vocals)", which means deleting the vocals.
  5. Before you open the dialog box. In it in the top field next to the words "Remove vocals or view Help", select "Remove vocals" from the list.
  6. In the field below, select the "Remove frequency band" parameter.
  7. In the lowest, third field, we assign the lower and upper limits of the frequency range, which will be deleted (for example, 200 and 16 000).
  8. Next, click "Ok", wait for the program to finish, and save the resulting file on the computer.

The output should be a record with a barely discernible vocal in the background.

Read another article on the same topic. How to remove the voice from the song.

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