American TV series "Lost" or "Lost"at one time was very popular both in America and abroad thanks to a twisted plot, beautiful scenery and bright characters. However, on May 23, 2010 the series came to an end.

However, not all people have seen the end of the series, and time to look at it may not be. We'll figure it out together in what ended up Staying alive.

The ending of the series "Lost"

The last series of the series "Lost" is divided into two parts:

  • action on the island;
  • action in an alternative reality.

Let's consider each part separately.

Action on the island

The series ends with the survivorsThroughout the series, the characters get to the plane and repair it. The man in black tries to stop them and hurts Jack, but he himself dies from Kate's shot.

The plane is loaded with survivors, and it flies away,However, because of a wound, Jack could not get on him. He gets to the place where he woke up at the beginning of the series, and falls there. The series ends with Jack closing his eyes and dying, which is the opposite of the beginning of the series, where Jack in the same situation opens his eyes.

Action in an alternative reality

Many characters in the series in the alternativereality gather in the church after they remembered the island. At the very end, many understand that they have died and are in the afterlife. Then they ask each other for forgiveness for all the evil that they committed on the island.

In this case, the church acts as a gate to another dimension, perhaps, to paradise. And the whole alternative reality is purgatory, where the heroes got after death on the island.

After everyone gathers together, the front door of the church opens, and light breaks out of it. So ends the series.

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