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How to make a piston in Minecraft?

The piston in Mayncraft can not be called toonecessary thing, but meanwhile it facilitates the work of the player. After all, thanks to this subject, you can push blocks or use it to create more complex mechanisms. The following will describe how to make the piston in Minecraft.

Making the Piston in Minecraft

To create a piston, you will need to find the following resources in the cubic world:

  • 3 blocks of boards;
  • 4 cobblestones;
  • 1 block of iron;
  • 1 block of red dust.

Place these resources on the workbench for craftingso that the three uppermost cells are clogged with boards, 2 on the sides with cobblestones, the central one with iron, and the rest with red dust. That's all, the piston is ready.

Also in Maynkraft you can make a sticky piston. For his craft, the following resources will be required:

  • 1 piston;
  • 1 block of mucus.

Place the mucus in the central cell of the workbench, and place the piston under it. All you can use is a sticky piston for your needs.

Thanks to a sticky piston, you can simultaneouslymove up to 12 blocks. Only they can not move the bedrock, plaques, obsidian, pumpkin, other pistons in the extended position. Also, they can not raise loose blocks - sand, gravel. Sticky pistons can be used to create large doors, traps, secret passages.

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