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How to teleport home?

In maynkraft there are several different options for teleportation. One of them functions through the command line in the Creative mode. Another involves the use of plug-ins.

How to teleport home: Meincraft

  1. To teleport home, first, you need to determine where your home is and inside it open the command line (chat window). Usually opens with the "T" button.
  2. In the window enter: "/ sethome" (house label).
  3. Now, having moved, you can enter the command "/ home", then you will be there where you have previously set the label of the house.

Teleport in Creative mode in (Creative mode)

In this mode, there are several options for teleportation, they all start with opening a command line.

  • Teleport to the given coordinates: "/ Tp x y z" - that is, we enter the required coordinates in three axes. Coordinates can be previewed by pressing F3 in the place of interest. When experimenting, be careful, because you can fall and break or teleport inside the object, for example, into the wall.
  • You can teleport the player by typing in the command "/ tp game nickname x y z"
  • You can teleport yourself to the player: with his permission "/ call game nickname" or without his permission "/ tp game nickname." Teleporting to another player should also be cautious, if you do not know where the player is, you can break if it flies, for example.

Teleportation with plugins

To teleport using plugins, you needso that they are pre-installed. There are various plugins that mean different controls. Many plug-ins often do not work very well and teleport the player with a fatal outcome. If you want to install the plugin, the Internet offers many options. For example, Teleport that player or Free-teleport.

On this topic, you can also read articles How to teleport (in maynecraft) and What should be written in maynkraft.

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