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How do the children dance?

The feeling of rhythm is characteristic of all people withoutexceptions, but for some reason, some like music and dancing, while others prefer to stay away from discos and noisy dance floors. Undoubtedly, parents want their child to have a comprehensive development and was able not only to read, swim, ride a bicycle, but also to dance. With dance classes there are many prejudices that often do not have an objective basis. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Misconception is the first: dancing is an occupation for adults

They say that it's never too late to learn. Learning to dance is not only never too late, but never too early. The physical development of the child directly depends on the motor activity.

The first "dance impulses" happen in theone year old, and sometimes earlier. Breast children actively react to music, and those who have already learned to stand and walk, very fond of rhythmic music of any genre. When children listen to music, they try to make movements that can be considered as the first dance "pas": they wave their hands, crouch, try to catch the rhythm, shaking their head to the beat.

When children dance, it looks funny, andsometimes even very funny, but it is exactly this desire of the baby to dance and should be encouraged by the parents. They can show him new and new simple movements: the child will later learn to enter the rhythm and coordinate his movements.

Delusion the second: in dances there is no use

The physical load that the child receives inThe time of dancing and, for example, martial arts, of course, is not the same. However, the positive effect of dance activities for the child can not be underestimated.

During the dance, allmuscle groups - the muscles of the back, legs, hands are strengthened. It is dances that provide a balanced and uniform load on the cardiovascular, muscular and nervous systems.

In addition, dance classes contribute to the development ofsuch skills and abilities as coordination of movements, a sense of balance, plasticity and flexibility. Among other things, dancing can help in the fight against excess weight, if such a problem becomes apparent at an early age.

Classes at school or development circles, wheremost of the time the child spends in a sitting position, worsens the condition of the spine and can lead to curvature or scoliosis. Dancing is one of the perfect ways to avoid back problems in the future, because such exercises perfectly correct the posture.

The third error: dancing is not a male thing

Many parents, especially fathers, categoricallyrefuse to give the child to the dance club, arguing their position by the fact that this is absolutely not a male occupation. It is believed that boys must necessarily go in for sports or go to training in martial arts. In extreme cases, the popes agree to take the children to the pool, and very rarely - to the art school.

Do not assume that dancing is an occupationexclusively for girls. A guy who moves well, knows how to feel the rhythm and can make a company to a girl in a disco is a big rarity today. Usually, boys are embarrassed to dance and spend all the time dancing, standing by the wall.

It may happen that the child himself wants tolearn to dance, and these lessons will bring him joy. Do not deny the child this, based on public delusions. If a child is not interested in doing Taekwondo, boxing or he does not like standing on the gate and catching balls, it's worth thinking about - should not you give the child to a dance group?

Many parents, who decided not topay attention to prejudice, wonder about how to learn how to dance to children. The first lessons can be spent at home - to include the child music, to show movements. Everything should happen in the form of a game, do not bore or irritate the child. If the kid is interested - you can think about the dance school and choose classes to your liking. There are special children's groups where children can be given from the age of 4-5. Older children can choose groups of modern, folk or ballroom dance, and can begin to engage in hip-hop or acrobatic rock and roll, the main thing is to make the classes bring satisfaction and joy.

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