Roach is a popular and widespread fish in the middle belt. Catch it is not difficult, but it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its behavior at different times of the year.


In the summer, the roach actively feeds after the springspawning. The fish gathers into small jambs and begins to peck at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the water, at dawn. To catch at this time it is possible to float a fishing pole, on mormyshku with a lateral nod, thanks to which it is possible to pick up different on weight mormyshki. As bait, you can use bloodworms, cauliflower and a small earthworm.


In autumn they usually catch a fly fishing rod. The bait is the same as in the summer. You can add more pearl barley and bread.


In winter, the roach is less cautious because of hunger. Well caught on a fishing pole with a nod. The most suitable bait is a bloodworm or a sponge planted on a mormyshke.


In spring, the roach goes to spawn. They catch her at this time of year on a feeder with sensitive equipment. Tackles with a float at this time of year are a success. And as a bait, it's better to use a red Californian worm. The Roach successfully bites another two spells, the so-called sandwich or for wheat or hemp.

Helpful Tips

The fishing rod is usually used with a line length of 4-6meters and catch from the shore or from the boat. At high and very low temperatures, it is preferable to catch roach on live bait, during warm weather - on vegetable.

For more information on how to catch a roach, look for articles in the section Fishing:

  • How to catch roach
  • What to fish for
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