Internet, availability of digital technology andSpecial programs allow the current user to realize their full potential. If you want - learn the languages ​​online, if you want - lead your blog, and if you want ... take off your own clip. Yes, this possibility is also quite available today. About how and where to shoot a clip without extra costs, we will tell in this article.

A place

Many believe that the main role in shooting a clipplays the choice of the song, however this is misleading. The time of linear clips is gone, that is, if a girl sings about how she sits at a table in a cafe, she does not necessarily have to sit at a table in a cafe. Today in fashion - fantasy and abstraction, but because nothing prevents us from abstracting from the place. Moreover, it is not only possible, but even necessary, if you do not have large material resources for shooting.

If you, as they say, do not have a penny for your soul, youyou can take advantage of such a beautiful "hall" as nature. No rent, fresh air, - in general, it's a pleasure! Although, of course, frankly speaking, there is an open area as a site for a clip, both its pluses and minuses, let's analyze them.

Pros and cons of open area

In filming on nature, two big pluses -natural light and lack of rent. Both advantages are of great importance for those who are limited in means for shooting. We must understand that the savings here are not only in renting a room, but also renting lighting equipment.

Great disadvantages of filming in open areasalso two - the difficulty of connecting technical devices and bad weather. Despite the fact that in a famous song it is sung that there is no bad weather for nature, we should notice the opposite, at least if we are talking about shooting a clip. Cloudy skies and rain can spoil everything.

Now about the technical difficulties. Of course, we are talking about shooting an amateur clip, but still not about shooting on the iPhone. It is assumed that the equipment will be used more seriously. In addition, you will need the opportunity to instantly view the footage - in order to resample a particular frame at once, and not return to your previous place and do everything from the beginning. Thus, we can conclude that we will need electricity. An electric generator may come to the rescue, but it is also likely that they will have to pay for renting it. However, renting a generator will cost less than renting a room and lighting equipment.

If we are talking about specific places on the openterrain, then quite often here is used highway. For example, the performer walks along the highway or rides it by car and meets a "voting" beauty. The road can inspire a lot of ideas, but in this case it is very important to remember about safety. By the way, if the highway is framed, say, by a pine forest, you can get absolutely charming shots.

Quite interesting results can be obtained by shooting on the roof, by the pond, on the sports ground. A large sandy beach is also a great place to shoot interesting shots.

Pros and cons of the enclosed space

As you probably guessed, here's the situationmirror. The advantages of the enclosed space are the ability to easily connect the equipment and guarantee that it will not rain, and the disadvantages are the need for rent and the setting of light.

Of course, you can find a room "for friendship" - the school in which you studied, or a cafe open by a friend, but will this be an ideal place for you?

Now about the light. Yes, lighting equipment is expensive, but there are little tricks. Modern housewives in the kitchen above the sink can detect special oblong lamps - additional lighting for washing dishes. These same lamps can help in shooting the clip, because they are quite powerful and directional emit. As a rule, additional light is needed for the performer, especially in the case of close-ups. And here's a clever trick: we arrange around the artist a few people with such lamps and create the right light. Of course, "holders" of lamps in the frame do not take.

With regard to specific examples of shooting inclosed space, here, of course, a lot of variations. It will be interesting to look at a clip shot at an abandoned factory or construction site (just remember about safety when going to such places). Good shots can be obtained by taking pictures in a stable or in the lobby of a good hotel. The main thing - do not use small rooms, remove a good clip in a limited space is very difficult.

Equipment location

Of course, if you have one camera and a pair of helperswith lamps, you have to sweat to get a three-dimensional picture, and only experiments can help here. For example, you have one good camera and several smartphones. Shoot all at once and with the maximum number of camera angles. Yes, the difference in quality will be obvious, but thanks to the video processing programs, you can make this difference unnoticeable, for example, by applying the effect of the old film. That is, for a good camera choose the standard playback mode, for a camera worse - the effect of aging. It turns out and interesting, and few people will guess that the footage of different quality cameras is taken.

If you have a lot of professional equipment, you will need less ingenuity, but still you will have to experiment both when setting the light and when placing the cameras.

Anyway, we wish you good luck and inspiration!

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