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How to learn to dance a booty?

Quite popular in recent yearsDance, in which the basic dance moves are performed by the buttocks. This is especially noticeable in the clips and performances of many Western popular performers. How to shake the buttocks, you can learn, not only visiting dance studios, but also independently, following, for example, video lessons.

How to learn how to dance a booty yourself

The so-called Booty Dance is taught according to the following scheme

  • The starting position - the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, slightly bend the knees and relax, and the stomach slightly protrude forward, bent in the lower back;
  • The next movement is to bend the back in the opposite direction so that the pelvis goes forward, and behind the priest it "gathers". Knees are all also slightly bent;
  • After that, push the buttocks back, as far as possible, with them and the stomach goes back. The chest protrudes forward. Then perform the first movement, and so on in a circle.

To learn about other dance movements, you should first understand the names of dances - for this you should read the article - What is the name of the dance popoy.

To understand the technique of movement and give the bodyget used to their implementation, you must first gradually, slowly, one by one, repeat all three points. Then you can increase the tempo and execute the pope's movements back and forth to the music.

to dance a booty

In addition, learn how to dance a booty, as describedhigher, you can - from side to side. For this, the legs should also be slightly bent, but the buttocks need to perform vibrational movements or mentally draw them the "eight" in the air.

You will be able to learn other dance movements if you become acquainted with our article - How to learn to dance street dances.

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