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How to make paper iPhone?

Children often want to look like adults. Seeing the daily actions performed by parents, acquaintances and strangers, the kids diligently imitate, trying to look important and adults. An integral part of modern life has become a mobile phone. If your child wants to become an iPhone owner, and the real one is still too early to buy, make joint creativity - make an iPhone model from paper. In order to understand how to make an iPhone from paper, we suggest using our step-by-step instruction.

We make from paper ayfon

Tools and materials

  • color printer;
  • glossy paper (1 sheet);
  • cardboard;
  • knife stationery;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

In order for the future iPhone to be as much like a real iPhone, the first thing to do is to select the appropriate picture. On the Internet you can find a large

number of screen templates and back panel, toexample, like here. Feel free to choose any that you prefer, and, in your opinion, more like the original. Print it on a color printer, with the paper better to choose a glossy, so the iPhone will look more authentic.

Accuracy and accuracy guarantee success

It should be very carefully, cut along the linesimage with scissors. From a cardboard of a suitable thickness, make a figure, in the form of a repeating iPhone, "stuffing" for the phone. Slots and thin notches are best made with a knife or a blade. Collect your iPhone, fold it neatly along the fold lines, put the "stuffing" and glue in the necessary places.

IPhone is ready!

Spare variant

If you do not have a printer near you, do not despair, you can do without it. Only have to work harder. Attach maximum of your imagination.

Draw on the sheet A4 the model of the chosen iPhone,pencils or markers put the icons on the "screen", and then perform all the above manipulations. Your children will be delighted if you decorate a phone like this.

In the Origami section, you can find many other original ideas for yourself.

The paper iPhone can quite serve as a props for drawing your friends and acquaintances.

Do not be afraid to do experiments. Pleasant and useful pastime for you and your children!

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