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What can be done from ribbons?

It's hard to find a girl who does not likebut not everyone can find time today to pursue their hobby - they are always interfered with by studies, work, household duties. However, some types of needlework are especially time-consuming.

In this article we will tell you what and how you can make from the most ordinary ribbons.

Interesting occupation - weaving from ribbons. This, by the way, is not only interesting, but simple. Weaving from tapes allows you to create very, very colorful and original products. You can also weave a multi-colored bracelet for a child or a hippie girlfriend, and make a beautiful bookmark for the book. There are a lot of weaving schemes that tell how to make bracelets from ribbons, but the easiest is to sew the right amount of ribbons along the top edge and start weaving at least the example of the simple braid and then sew the bottom edge. At the top of the seams, you can fix a decorative element, for example, a beautiful button.

You can also make beautiful flowers from the ribbon,which can serve as decor elements, and accessories. If you sew a rubber band to the flower from the ribbons, you will get an interesting accessory for your hair, and if you simply clip the pin - a brooch. Consider, for example, how to make flowers from ribbons.

Try it yourself!

Very original flowers are obtained by the following scheme of weaving:

  1. We take the base (any dense material) and cut out a circle with a diameter of 8 cm.
  2. We transform the base into a cone, for which we make a cut in one place from the edge to the center, form the cone and sew the cut.
  3. We put the tape on the cone and sew it in one place.
  4. We start to lay the ribbon with waves, forming a flower.
  5. Sew the remaining end - and it's done!
    from ribbons

This scheme is good in that it leaves room forfantasy: laying the ribbon in various ways, you can - make a luxurious rose from a tape or a simple field flower. However, this scheme is not unique, on the Internet you can find a lot of "recipes" of how to make flowers from ribbons with your own hands.

Of course, you can make ribbons from ribbons, which will serve as elements for decorating a variety of things - children's clothes, boring sweaters, and, of course, boxes of gifts.

from ribbons

By the way, tapes will help to make exclusivethe most usual gift, for example, a diary, a photo frame or a photo album. First, all these things can be draped with an unnecessary cloth, and from above make embroidery with ribbons. Handmade gifts are now in vogue, and they, for sure, will please a person who has "everything is."

As you can see, all the schemes are quite simple, and the creation time of each product is minimal. We hope for such needlework you always have time!

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