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How to make a car from Lego?

Designer of the Danish manufacturer LEGO is popularamong the younger generation. Thematic collections are presented in a variety of options. Moreover, the details are so universal that any other model can be made from them. It is these non-standard cars that we want to offer you to design with us.

How to make a cabriolet car from "Lego"

In addition to the details of the designer you will need: steering wheel, bumper, wheels, two front seats, doors, front glass.

Body manufacture

  1. Take the platform 12x4 and attach a bumper to it.
  2. On the sides of the bumper we fasten the doors, install the steering wheel and the front seats.
  3. On both sides we attach single-piece details and single cubes.
  4. On the opposite end of the platform from the bumper, attach the part to the deuce, and on top of it a flat platform.

The construction of the car-cabriolet is ready, it remains only to attach the wheels.

Wheel mounting

  1. 4 single cubes are attached to the 2x2 platform.
  2. To the received design we attach wheels.
  3. We attach from below another platform 2x2.

Car "Cabriolet" is ready for games and at home, and onfresh air. You can see the video on this page how to make a car from Lego in other variants. And then proceed to construct one more model.

How to make a racing car from "Lego"

  1. We take two parts 1x10 and attach wheels to them.
  2. In the resulting space between the wheels set 2 pieces 2x4.
  3. A 1x4 piece is attached from both sides of the wheels.
  4. We take 2 strips 2 x 2 and cover them with two pairs of wheels.
  5. We put the front bumper.
  6. From the side of the wheels of the side we set the strip 1x4.
  7. The rear part of the car is decorated with a 1x4 piece and we mount 4 lights on it.
  8. Through the entire length of both sides of the machine we put a strip of 1x8.
  9. Front install 2 pieces 1x2 and attach the lights to them.
  10. We put the front glass and 2 seats.
  11. After the seat, install a single cube on both sides.
  12. Mount the roof using a 4x4 platform.

Your assembled car is ready for "survival races". Now you do not have to think about how to make the coolest car from Lego. It is enough just to assemble the model according to our instructions.

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