Quite an interesting and funny TV series "Interns" on TNT won great popularity among the audience of the channel, now we will acquaint you with the main characters of the series and you will learn how the names of interns.

Main roles

Ivan Okhlobystin - Bykov Andrey Evgenievich,head of the therapeutic department of the hospital. Has two children. Manages interns and makes fun of them. Has an intolerable character, often sarcastically.


Svetlana Kamynina - Anastasia KonstantinovnaKisegach - chapters. doctor of the hospital. Has a soft but determined character. She is in love with the head of the therapeutic department, has a child from him. Also there is an eldest son - a former intern Gleb Romanenko.

Vadim Demchog - Ivan Natanovich Kupitman,head of the dermo-venereology department of the hospital. He was married three times, now divorced. The best friend of Bykov, always happy to support him in undertakings and rallies over interns. Lover of good cognac and beautiful women.

Svetlana Permyakova - Lyubov Mihailovna Scriabin - a nurse, a source of gossip in the department, a gay laughter.

First interns

Alexander Ilyin - Semyon Semenovich Lobanov -intern, who became a doctor. Self-confident, but not too smart and simple guy. Married, in 179 series he has a daughter. Often shoots cigarettes and money from colleagues, because there is always


Ilya Glinnikov - Gleb Viktorovich Romanenko -a former intern who became a doctor. Son of Anastasia Kisegach. Highly appreciates, maintains a reputation for majeur. I met with Chernous and Bykov's daughter Alisa.

One Land Byron - Phil Richards - an American nativefrom Boston. In the series went into the 67 series, having arrived by exchange instead of Boris Levin. In the 179 series, he was promoted to a doctor. Self-confident, straightforward. He knows his work well.

Interns that came out of the series


Dmitry Sharakois - Boris Arkadievich Levin - intern, in 56 series, flies for an internship in exchange in the US. He has a red diploma, he has a good command of theory, but in practice he is often lost.

Christina Asmus - Varya Chernous - intern, in the seriesplayed the role of an honest, naive and compassionate girl. But at the same time, Bykov often caught her in lies. In the 156 series, she went to the surgical department and did not appear again.

New interns

Alexander Lyapin - Alexei Denisovich Maltsev - one of the recruits Bykov, intern. Stubborn and hardworking, it is these qualities that attracted Bykov.


Ilya Shidlovsky - Maxim Leonidovich Korneev - intern, native Petersburger, was born in a family of doctors. An adventurer, around him there are often various scams.

Aglaya-Daria Tarasova - Sofya Yakovlevna Kalinina -intern, got into hospital by the brunt, niece of Kupitman. He puts a lot of effort to stop depending on his parents and become a good doctor. He has a good qualification.

If you want to know the name of your favorite actor or actress, you want to know who made the series, then from the article Who plays in the Internet you can find out all the information.

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