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How to make a blade?

Making knives is one of your favorite hobbies.strong half of humanity. In this article we will talk about the most common method of making a blade from a drill. It would seem that this is not the right basis, nevertheless, it is not so. Drills are made on the basis of the best alloyed steels P6M5, which are distinguished by a high level of strength, durability and durability.

Before you start making a blade, punctureDrill along the entire length and pay attention to the color of the sparks that appeared. Where ordinary steel is on the drill, they will be a yellow-orange hue, and in place with alloy steel - red. Where alloy steel is located, you need to make the blade of the knife, its cutting part, in place of the usual steel will be the handle.

Valuable advice: For those who perform forging the knife for the first time, it is recommended first to practice on a conventional armature. So you'll spoil the drills less (which is inevitable), but learn how to properly heat the metal. Remember its color: when the metal is gently forged and darkened, it means that the level of forging has reached the required temperature - 1000 ° C.

And now specifically consider how to make a blade at home.

Making a blade from a steel drill: instruction

First step

  1. We make fire in the furnace.
  2. We place the drill in the crucible, holding the end with ticks.
  3. Heat the drill to a temperature of 1000 ° C.
  4. We take out from the furnace.
  5. Clamp the tip of the blade with a wrench.
  6. Carry out circular motions to spread the drill.

The last action must be done very quickly, until the steel has cooled, otherwise the drill will break. As a result of properly forged, you should get an even rectangle made of steel.

Second phase

Now the obtained product from the metal must be rolled up to the thickness necessary for the knife. For this we do the following:

  1. We are preparing a heavy hammer.
  2. We again red-hot the already obtained metal strip to the required temperature.
  3. Align the product with strong, directed, even hammer blows.

Recommendation: in order to result in the required product thickness of 4 mm., it is necessary not to lose sight of the discoloration of the metal. As soon as the metal began to darken, you must immediately send it back to the crucible for heating. It is necessary to repeat the two stages described above.

How to make the blade point

Now the most difficult is to be done - the blade needsgive a rounded shape, corresponding to the usual kitchen knife. The second stage of the work is repeated, but more in a jeweler way: the tip should be gradually rounded off.


Forging the future knife

  1. With a light hammer, it is very gentle to strike from the middle of the blade to its cutting edge.
  2. In the process, it is necessary to ensure that the blade is straight and straight. Do not forget to send it back to the bugle when it starts to cool down.
  3. Heal the end of the blade and roll it with strong point punching, reaching the thickness necessary for your future knife.

Final stage: grinding

To make the knife perfectly smooth and shiny,it is necessary to polish the blade on the machine. So you get rid of all the unevennesses and excess contaminants. It remains only to sharpen the point and to harden the knife.

Quenching the resulting knife

  1. Prepare a container of water at room temperature.
  2. Dilute 3 tablespoons of table salt in water.
  3. Heat the blade to orange.
  4. Put the knife in the water.
  5. Carefully follow when the steel begins to perform oscillatory actions, and after that immediately get the knife and let it cool.

This way you can make your blade. Using this instruction, you can make a blade of any length and thickness. You will also find a training video that you can find on this page.

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