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How to make a ring from a coin?

Girls are very fond of receiving a variety of giftsornaments, for example, rings. It's no secret that a gift made by ones own hands is highly appreciated. More information on how you can make such a gift is written in the article How to Make Rings. In this article, we'll show you how to make a ring from an ordinary coin.

Materials and Tools

From the materials we need a coin: it can be 10 rubles, 1 dollar, 1 hryvnia. These coins have a suitable size and they are soft enough. Except for coins you will need:

Ring from the coin

  • Sandpaper of different granularity - from 400 to 1200 units;
  • polishing paste;
  • tape or tape;
  • piece of felt.

List of tools:

  • anvil (a piece of steel, an iron ruler, etc.);
  • jewelry hammer or spoon;
  • drill with a drill;
  • pliers,
  • milling cutter.

Instructions: how to make a ring from a coin

Make a ring from the coin is not as difficult as it might seem. To do this, only the listed tools and materials are needed, and also patience and accuracy. The procedure is as follows:

  1. We put the coin on the edge on the anvil and startgently tapping a spoon on the coin, holding it and rotating it evenly. The rib starts to bend. The more uniform the blows, the more beautiful the ring will turn out.
  2. Having received the edges of the coin of the desired width, inspect the coin, check its shape and size. If necessary - we correct.
  3. In the center of the coin we drill a hole. As soon as the drill passed through it,
    Ring from the coin
    stop the drill so that the drill is stuck in the hole.
  4. While holding the coin for the drill, we begin to polishedge of the skin. We take first the coarsest emery, we finish with the most delicate. Then we put the polishing paste on the felt and bring the surface to perfection.
  5. We grip the coin with pliers. In order not to damage the polishing, the ends of the pliers are wrapped with electrical tape.
  6. While holding the coin with pliers, cut the hole in the center to the desired diameter.
  7. From the felt, we make a polishing cutter, apply a polishing paste and polish the inner surface. The ring is ready!
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