Do you often happen that you go tostreet, but, for example, a popular song comes from a café; you do not even like it, but the motive immediately gets stuck in your head? The song revolves in thought, does not give rest, and you involuntarily begin to hum it. How to escape from the captivity of this intrusive melody, how to forget the song, if you can not do it right away? There are several ways.

How to forget the compulsive song: advice

If you simply engage in physicalactions - go, run, do physical work, then you will not be able to forget the annoying melody. You need to work on the brain, switch thoughts to something else.

  • Obtrusively playing in your head unloved music you can "kill" another. Just put on your headphones and turn on your favorite songs in the player. The brain will switch to a pleasant music for you.
  • Try to read an interesting book or an article that will make you think about it, reflect on something.
  • You can watch a movie that will attract all your attention. For example, it can be a stressful thriller.
  • Scientists advise in such a situation to engage in some kind of puzzle, the more difficult it is, the better. For example, it can be Sudoku.

You can choose any other way, most importantly,that the brain "worked", and he did not have time to remember and reproduce again and again a boring song. You can also switch completely to study or work of a mental nature.

If you are tired of your favorite music

It also happens that you find a song thatvery much, listen to it a hundred times, until you learn from the first to the last note, and then it no longer brings such pleasure as before. How to forget your favorite song, which is boring? Do not delete your favorite tracks. Create a special folder on the computer, discard all your favorite but annoying songs and remove the folder on the "mezzanine" of the hard drive for the time being.

In the meantime, you can search for new music. If you are attracted by a certain genre, look for modern novelties or, on the contrary, refer to the music of the past - and there are interesting compositions that you might like. You can listen to music of another genre, maybe it will enthrall you. Try "to taste" different music, expand your musical horizons, do not focus only on popular modern music. Thus, on a little bit you will collect a new play-list, which you will enjoy for a long time. After a few months, look in the folder with the saved old tracks and try to listen to them. You'll see, once you love your favorite music once again, and if it is also associated with some events in the past, then the memories will swell and you will have a wonderful evening of nostalgia.

However, forgetting a boring song is a mere triflecompared with the fact that sometimes you want to forget much more serious things, for example, unpleasant events in the past. How to cope with this problem, you will learn from our article - How to forget everything.

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