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How to make a craft from vegetables?

Vegetables can not only be eaten, but alsotogether with their children create amazing figures from them. Do not limit the creativity of kids, but do not forget that you will need to use a knife to work. Therefore, children should be under the constant and close supervision of an adult.

How to make a craft of raw vegetables?

From the inflorescences of cauliflower, you can easily make cute and funny sheep. You will need:

  • Fork of cauliflower;
    Crafts from vegetables
  • Toothpicks;
  • Pins with beads for the peephole.

We divide the cabbage into small inflorescences, but so,to keep the legs whole. We connect four inflorescences with feet-toothpicks: this is our torso. Another smaller inflorescence pin the pins to the trunk so that the leg is outside. As ears use ordinary sunflower seeds. The sheep are ready to graze on the lawn of your table!

How to make a craft of boiled vegetables?

Of the three tubers of boiled and peeled potatoesyou can easily make a figure of a snowman. To do this, you should fix them together with the usual toothpicks. As a cap, you can use a piece of carrot. Well, instead of the snowman's hands, the fennel branches will look great.

Crafts from vegetables

This craft can be used asdecoration of salad on the New Year's table. And believe me, your baby will eat it with great pleasure, after he admires the result of the creation of his hands.

No less interesting is another version of manufacturingcrafts. Boil different vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets) and then, pouring out water, mash them in a mash. After it cools down, it can be used for molding instead of clay.

As you can see, making souvenirs from vegetables is not difficult. In addition, the manufacture of such handicrafts contributes to the development of the motor skills of the small muscles of your child's brush, develops his imagination, fiction, and forms a sense of beauty.

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