In Counter-Strike: Source can add a Medic plug, thanks to which the character can be healed for money. On the servers where this plug-in is installed, messages with the text "! Medic" or "! Doctor" are often visible in the chat - these commands call the doctor. Players ask how to meddle in the KCC to avoid distracting the writing of these teams during the game, and this article should help them.

Note: all commands are entered without external quotes ("Christmas tree").


  1. Before the medic button is blown, you need to open the console. It is called by pressing the key with the letter E and the symbol ~.
  2. In the text field, you need to enter the command "bind" u "" say! Medic "". In it, u is the key, say - entering text into the chat,! Medic - the command to call the doctor.

Now if you click on the U key, in the chat the command "! medic" will be prescribed, and you will be treated by Dr. Aibolit.

If you need to disable the bump button with the medic, type the following in the console: "Unbind" u "" - now by clicking on the U key the doctor will not be called. To completely reset control in the game, enter "unbindall".

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