Almost from the very moment of its release, the gameMaynkraft gained serious popularity. Unassuming the cubic world conquered the hearts and hands of many gamers. The reason is simple - in this game you can create everything. From the glass house at the bottom of the lake to the flying fortress. Your opportunities are limited only by your knowledge of how to play Mayncraft online, fantasy ... and dice.

Installing the game

In order to start the game, on your computerThe latest version of the Java platform must be installed. You can download it from the official website. In addition, it will take the game itself strictly the version that is supported by the server on which it is planned to play. Do not forget that the game costs twenty dollars and you can buy it on the official website, where there are all instructions for installation and configuration, but in English. Do not know English? No problem - there are Russian servers, where all instructions are in Russian. For example, a customized client for the LoveCraft server can be downloaded from the link. The archive should be unpacked and run the game, installation is not required. This is where the most interesting begins.

Two game modes

The game supports two modes. Single (Single Player or Survival), in which you can build the world without being distracted by aggressive neighbors and verbal battles in the chat, which is also very interesting. After all, your interlocutors in it can be players from all over the world! How to play online in Minecraft, will tell the multiplayer (Multiplayer) mode, in which the world is populated by a lot of players and its structure must be protected not only from stray ghosts, but also from greedy builders. Of course, the multiplayer mode is several times more interesting. Here, alliances of players and intrigues, and wars for resources ... It is worth noting that neither in the chat, nor in the creations of players there is no censorship, if you are offended by buildings of unusual shape, you should probably give up buying a game like Mayncraft. Play online is not more difficult than a single mode, only obstacles are more. Therefore, if you have already mastered a single mode, then it is logical to study the "multi" mode next.

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