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How to dance lezginka girls?

In the Caucasus lives a small nationality - Lezgins. They became the progenitors of a very popular and well-known dance - Lezginka. Lezgin music and dance were created by ancient warriors, who wanted to increase their fighting spirit before the hunt. In consequence, the lezginka began to dance on all family and tribal events, including the first acquaintance of a girl and a boyfriend. Therefore, the lezginka must be able to dance not only to the guys, soldiers, but also to their dear women. But here the question arises: how to learn to dance Lezghinka girl in the modern world, when folk traditions are no longer so zealously jealous and not every house from childhood imbued all the rules and traditions.

Features of dance

Studying how to dance Lezginka girls,we must understand that this is originally a male dance, so the movements of men in it are impulsive, cutting, and energetic. In his dance he tried to show the girl how he treats her, how much she loves. In the Caucasus, there was a custom that no man had the right to touch a girl, for which he would pay with his life. And even in dance the guy can approach the girl, bend over it, but he can not lean against! The girl, by tradition, had no right to touch a man with a dress, it was considered a disgrace to her. At the dance, it also affected. The girl makes smooth movements, so that even the tip of the dress, sleeves, do not touch the guy. In the process of dancing, the girl strives to leave, and the guy blocks her way, and all this takes place, considering the principles of immunity. Here on these laws the lezginka is based.

Basic images of dance

In Lezginka two main images are used:the male image of the "eagle" and the female image of the "swan". Lezginka is performed in national costumes, which give dance of entertainment, to the music of the national ensemble. The dance is performed in a musical size of 6/8, the melody is dynamic, at a fast pace. The most difficult movements are for a guy, but for a girl they should be smooth though fast and accurate. The girl at her own pace should exactly follow the male movements, she completely depends on the pace and rhythm of the guy.

Where to study the dance

Learn how to dance lezginka correctlygirls, it is best where there are professionals-choreographers. To attend such classes, you must have good physical training, stretching. The lezginka has many common features with tap dance and step. In these dances, there are clear kicks in the rhythm of the music. Hands, on the other hand, perform smooth and graceful movements. Together, these elements and give an incendiary, but very lyrical image of the dance. In a specialized school of dance you will be told how to dance lezginka correctly. Another way to study - in the area where the Lezginka is remembered and honored - in the villages of the Caucasus. If none of their proposed methods has come up to you, then a comprehensive Internet will come to the rescue.

Also in the online communities there are whole courses,telling how to dance Lezginka girls. The video consists of several lessons that gradually tell how to make a straight run, a lateral move, twists, how to connect the movements of the hands and feet, what mood the dance should convey.

I would very much like to see the girls who wantlearn to dance lezginka, understood that it is useless to describe the dance and its basic movements in words. It is best to find a suitable course on the Internet, download it, and study at home, immediately turning to practical exercises. So you learned how to dance Lezginka girls. Good luck in this business!

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