Now you will not meet people who are indifferent toRussian decorative and applied art. Household items, dishes and utensils for the house, hand-painted by craftsmen, always attract attention with its beauty and originality. Among the many types of folk painting, always attracts the attention of products that look gilded, although in fact, this is the usual wooden utensils. Bowls, buckets, broths, spoons - like gold! Bright, festive, unique ... Yes this is Khokhloma - patterns ... How to draw Khokhloma painting people came up with for a long time.

Khokhloma is a unique, ancient kind of folkfishing, which appeared more than three centuries ago. Products painted "under Khokhloma" are highly valued not only in Russia, but also abroad. The fishery got its name from the village of Khokhloma. It was a shopping center in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the craftsmen brought their products for sale there.

The peculiarity of this painting is thatthe products look like gold-plated, although gold does not participate in their production. The wooden blank is covered with clay, ground with linseed oil, covered with aluminum powder, which gives the products a silvery color. Then the finished workpiece is painted and varnished several times. Pleasant and elegant golden color and gives the painted objects a varnish that under the influence of high temperatures turns a silver color into a golden one. There are two techniques for performing Khokhloma painting:

  • "Riding"
  • "Over the background"

Also distinguish "kudrinu" - painting, whichIt is characterized by a pomp of the pattern with golden intricate curls, similar to curls. "Horse" painting is applied to the silvery background in red and black. A feature of painting "under the background" is drawing a contour of a large golden pattern, then painting the background with red or black color, and then performing a smaller pattern on top of the background. The master applies the painting immediately, without preliminary marking, with a brush by hand. They use three basic colors: red, black and gold. Among the basic ornaments distinguish "grass", elements "under the leaf", "for berry". "Grass" - a kind of painting, which includes images of large and small grass blades, twigs. Ornament "under the leaf" consists of oval leaves, "for berries" - located around the stem of berries.

Enjoying the smooth lines of grass and twigs,at once there is a desire to master the skills exactly and beautifully to paint ornaments doshochki, spoons and dippers. On how to draw hohlomu, clearly show the video lessons of the artist Irina Lyamshina. It will also be interesting to get acquainted with the step-by-step execution of the board, painted with Khokhloma painting, you can see it here.

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