Probably, every person would like to know isIs he a double of some celebrity. It's exciting, very interesting, and it adds confidence. On the Internet, there are many services that will help you answer the question: "What star do I look like?". Most of them are free. Of course, to completely tell you which star you look like, with an accuracy of a hundredth of a percent, no service will be able to, since the comparison happens in an automatic mode. But the general similarity of such services still reveal, especially if you upload a good, clear picture.

Popular Sites

  • One of the most popular sites in order toFind what star you look like, this is "Face Recognition - find yourself a celebrity." Clicking this link, you need to download the most clear and beautiful photo in full face in the window that opens. A few seconds will be compared with photos of stars, and in the end you will get several variants of your similarity with famous people. In this case, the level of your similarity is expressed in percent. On this site, you can also make a collage to show off to friends or just leave it to memory.
  • Another, less popular, but not less thanan interesting and bright site is ANALOGIA: Star Estimator - Submit a photo. It holds a huge database with photos of celebrities. The comparison is also automatic, on separate parts of the face. For example, the location of the eyes, the height of the forehead, the line of lips, cheekbones, etc. are compared. After researching all these indicators, a list of celebrities is displayed, looking at which one can understand: "With whom I look like a star." This list is ranked from the smallest match to the largest. The search for matches on this site is addictive, but the interesting thing is that no matter how many times you upload your photo, the result does not change, which can speak about the accuracy of this service.

Both of the above sites are created exclusivelyfor entertainment, and on both resources a huge database of photos of famous politicians, show business stars, athletes and businessmen. To actually find out who you look like from famous personalities, you need to approach it seriously and turn to professionals. But anyway, to laugh with friends and rejoice not entirely objective, but pleasant results, too, we all have the right thanks to the above links.

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