Despite technical progress, the development of scienceand technology, our life is still filled with different beliefs and superstitions. We believe in everything supernatural, wanting to receive help and protection from the mysterious forces and avoid the troubles that they can create, in case they are angry. Faith in the house, as the protector of your home, came to us from paganism. A house color can be either a positive or a negative character depending on how you treat it. A kind house can defend your house, he follows the order. In a house where he is well treated, nothing breaks, quickly the missing things are. He is able to protect against evil eye, fire, thieves and so on.

The housekeeper hides well, and people can not see him,therefore it is customary to make his figure as an amulet of his apartment. Homemade brownies not only bring luck to the owner of the house, but also is a beautiful decorative element, an ornament of an apartment and an excellent gift to your relatives. To make such a figure does not present a great deal of complexity, and since it's easy enough to make a house-hold, then even the most skilled beginner will cope with this task.

Necessary materials and tools

The work is very simple, for the making of the house, you need a simple set of tools and materials that everyone can find in the house:

  • Rough fabric, for example canvas or burlap
  • Threads, needle, scissors
  • Washcloth herb or hair yarn and mustache
  • Filler for stuffing dolls
  • Paints, glue, brush
  • Groats, a coin, a wooden spoon, an unnecessary key, seeds

Now we will analyze step by step how to make a brownieFirst we sew the doll itself. Decide on the size of the figurine. What kind of house do you want, big or small? You decide. For this you will need to carve your head. To do this, draw a circle, which is indicated by a crayon or pencil on a folded fabric. For the body, draw a rectangle or an oval. The body is also covered on a fabric folded in half. The details are cut out, not forgetting to leave the allowances on the seams by the centimeter from all sides. Then, from the wrong side, we sew the details, leaving a few centimeters uncleared. We turn the head and body on the front side. In the hole we hammer the sintepon or any other filler. When both parts become dense, unshielded seats are stitched. We join the head with the help of a needle and thread. By the same principle, you can also sew and limbs to your house, but this is not necessary.

Then we make the face of the house-servant. The nose can be made so: we cut out a circle from a fabric, we put in the middle sintepon. Stitch the fabric around the circle and pull the thread together. The resulting nose is sewn to the right place. The eyes and mouth are painted with colors, they can also be cut out of colored paper and glued. From the bast we build a hair and whiskers. We sew everything in place or glue it with glue. If there is no bast, then hair, whiskers and even a beard can be made from the yarn of the appropriate color. We cut threads of yarn and stack each of 8-10 pieces, then we band the bunch in the middle. Finished bundles are glued on the head close to each other. Then the hair will need to be cut to remove the protruding thread.

Then we begin to decorate our amulet. He can sew a shirt from a bright fabric, or you can simply wrap the body of the figure with a cloth and sew it from behind. You can glue your doll with seeds of sunflower or pumpkin, dry dog ​​rose and the like.

Features of amulets

How to make a brownie good luck in the house? The brownie must have special attributes that bear a certain meaning. The main thing is a bag of croup. We sew a sack and fill it with groats. Glue it on the barrel figurke.Meshochok this personifies that in your house there will always be supplies. We put the coin on the other side. Coin, of course, to dengam.Klyuchik hanging on a string on the neck - this is to protect your house. A wooden spoon promises the owners that they will always have food in the house.

As you can see, the question is how to make a brownie, not soand it's complicated. Here the main thing is desire and imagination. Such a figure, made independently, will please both you and those to whom you decide to give it. After all, gifts made by themselves, are still relevant, since they show how you value a person. And the warmth of your hands, stored in your handicrafts, will protect you and your loved ones from all hardships and troubles.

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