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How to quit smoking quickly?

One universal recipe for allsmokers do not exist. Here, we need an individual approach with the participation of a psychologist. Yes, it is the psychologist. The problem of smoking, most likely, lies in the psychological, rather than, in the physiological plane. Most smokers acknowledge that the process of smoking brings them some satisfaction. And, do not want to get rid of cigarettes, do not want to torment themselves with questions, how to quit smoking quickly?

Philosophy of smoking

Smoking is a habitlevel of the subconscious. It is unlikely that a smoker sets himself the task of lighting a cigarette after a certain time, to smoke a lot of cigarettes per day or overdoing, in this regard, a colleague at work. The desire to smoke arises intuitively in the process of performing work, during a conversation - it does not matter. It looks like the body's reaction to certain stimuli. Psychologically, this habit serves as a kind of stabilizer or switch. A person who smokes a lot during unpleasantness during stress. In a stalemate, it helps to pause, ponder, calm down. Less often, there is a desire to smoke "for the company." Like, and communication is easier, and the conversation is easier.

The Psychological Aspect

And, not particularly who thinks, how quicklyquit smoking. Not until now. All the motivations and warnings of the Ministry of Health - this is not to him, because with him nothing bad and unpleasant will ever happen, because this can not happen in principle! No, such statements do not allow self-confidence, but psychological protection. That's why, psychologists say that quitting smoking means defeating yourself.

How can I quit smoking quickly?

Quit smoking should be with the upbringingirresistible desire to do it. A person must feel, realize, comprehend and painfully want to quit smoking quickly. But, even with an irresistible desire, it is necessary to exert efforts, without which the desires will remain unfulfilled. It's a matter of dependence, which is caused by smoking. Namely, overcoming it causes certain discomfort, unpleasant sensation, regret and the need to return everything to old places. One should not force oneself to think that these circumstances are intolerable. It's just that they have to work a little with them. And, again, on a psychological level. The man refused the good. Now there is emptiness. How to fill it, what is the benefit of demanding in return? Do not think that you suffered a loss, you threw away an unnecessary and nasty thing.

Turn on willpower

Perceiving smoking as a conditioned reflex, whichworks only under certain circumstances, let the team put up with it. Very little. Quarter of an hour is enough and the reflex will go out, and without waiting for a response of the physical reaction - the smoke coming from the cigarette. Only this way, you can quit smoking quickly.

The heaviest are the first days. Perhaps your body at this time will experience stress. Perhaps, a feeling of fatigue, increased irritability, a headache. Some will have to remain in this state for several weeks, some for a few days. The decisive factor here is the level of readiness of your body to commit such an act.

Simple Tips

It would be nice, initially, to getlike-minded people. Supporting each other, or competing with each other, together you will be easier to achieve the desired result. Inform about your intentions those whom you trust and on whose moral support you can count. Do not say anything to people who can poke fun at you because you do not have peace of mind how to quit smoking quickly. Video about the harm of this habit will only strengthen your aspiration.

Encourage yourself by getting small wins overan addiction. Allow yourself some benefit in the evening, if the day passed without a cigarette. Or: a week without smoking - buying an incentive that matches your hobbies or hobbies.

Remember that giving up smoking makes your bodyhealthier, lungs cleaner, breathing even. And, this process occurs every minute, every second and even now. Watch your feelings. It is possible that the general condition is not so bad, but there is no great attraction to a cigarette.

Do not look for a reason to smoke: You will not get fat, a sharp refusal to smoke will not cause disruption of the internal organs. Today you have the same difficulties as before; the emotional breakdown was not due to the lack of nicotine, but from the abundance of nagging on the part of the authorities.

Eat time, and enough rest. There are no special difficulties and merits in this. Just a man gave up smoking.

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