Game "Minesweeper" - standard and very simple inplan of its execution. Nevertheless, this game can "tighten" anyone for a very long time and seriously. You can find it on every computer with the Windows operating system. To do this, click Start - All Programs - Games - Minesweeper. Despite the fact that this program is on almost every computer, not all users know how to play Saper. We decided to tell you the rules and give you some useful tips to help you quickly learn how to play and win.

How to play Minesweeper - instruction

To begin with, I want to advise you to start the game on a minimum level of difficulty. Increase the size of the minefield gradually.

Purpose of the game: the player needs to find all the mines and neutralize them by putting the flags on them with the right mouse button. Left-click to open all the cells that do not hide mines.

  1. So, you launched the Minesweeper and started a new game. The time has passed. Now it is very important not to run into a mine. After all, the first time we will click on any of the closed cells. Use, for example, your intuition, for the first time.
  2. You clicked on an arbitrary cell, and openeda whole area of ​​such cells, where there are no mines. Ok, now pay attention to the numbers. Here they are not accidental and give you very important information. These numbers show you how many mines are located near this cell with a figure in the radius of one cell. In other words, if you see the number 1, then at a distance of one cell from this figure, only one mine, etc. Another question is where exactly is this mine? To the right of the cell, to the left? This question will be answered by the remaining numbers in other cells.
  3. If you are sure that there is a mine on one of the closed cells, mark it with a flag (right mouse button).
  4. Clicking on the cell with the right mouse button twice,You put a question mark on it. This question mark on the game does not affect, but it allows you to mark the controversial cell and return to it later. Sometimes it is very convenient.
  5. If you see, for example, that there is a number 2 and next to it there are already two flags that you set, then near this cell you can safely open all the others in the radius of one cell.
  6. That's how we open all the other cells and designate mines before the victory.

Now you know how to play Minesweeper! Beat your own records and compete with your friends. The game "Minesweeper" - not only interesting, but also very well develops logic, trains the brain as a whole. Many play in it not a year or two. If you look at the player who has been playing for several years at Sapper, you are simply amazing in the process of playing. He opens the cells so quickly that it becomes completely unclear how such a thing is possible. Of course, like any other games, "Minesweeper" is also annoying. However, a week will pass, and you again want to increase the minefield, break the record in time and show off to your friends.

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