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How to catch a carp?

Carp - fish is quite prolific and capable ofsurvive in almost any, even extreme conditions. That is why it is most common in our water bodies. In this article we will tell you how to catch a crucian on a fishing rod and describe some of the most effective ways from experienced anglers.

Where to catch the crucian carp

The reservoirs in which you can catch the crucian carp can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Reservoirs in which only the crucian is found. Usually these are shallow shallow lakes, which occupy a rather large area and have a muddy bottom. Such water in the winter freezes to the very bottom, but the carp have the opportunity to burrow in the silt for wintering. Carp - the fish is very unpretentious and well undergoes a time of lack of oxygen, to which other fish are simply incapable. Therefore, it is natural that it is best to catch crucian carp in these water bodies.
  2. Reservoirs, where besides carp, other species livefish. Basically it is roach, perch, pike and tench. In these reservoirs it is necessary to search for the so-called Karasian trails, since the presence of predatory fish in the water makes the carp's stay there unsafe. Packs of carp in these water bodies move along special trajectories and finding such a trajectory is the only way to catch crucian carp in mixed-type water bodies.

What can you catch the crucian carp?

In order to catch a large carp, you needtake with you several options for bait. The matter is that in different reservoirs the crucian can peck at different bait. Therefore take with you white bread, worms and some other insects. Also do not forget the sunflower oil in order to lubricate pieces of white bread, as some carp very well peck at such a bait. Now consider the bait in more detail.

  • Among animal baits, crucianon maggots, bloodworms and dung worms, and it is best to use the latter species. The dung worm has a pronounced smell that attracts the carp, and is also very tenacious and perfectly clings to the hook. If only the crucian carp is found in the chosen reservoir, then it is possible to use both spells and moths. Otherwise, your bait to the crucian carp may simply not be reached - it is eaten by other fish, for example, roach fry.
  • From vegetable baits can be used bread,nozzles of dough and various cereals. To prepare the dough, it is best to use corn or wheat flour, as well as millet, semolina and boiled peas. For a better bite in the dough, you can add some flavor. Traditionally it is vanilla, honey or anise. Also in the fishing stores are selling various chemical flavors, which give good results.

How to catch the carp: important nuances

First we'll talk, on what and how to catch a largecrucian carp. To catch large carp, you need to use large worms. The fact is that swallowing a large worm (for example, creeping out) small fish is simply beyond the power, so only a large crucian will catch your bait.

About bait talked, now again about the reservoirs. If we talk about water bodies of the first type, in which only carp is found, then everything is clear. But in mixed water reservoirs, in which other types of fish are found, including predatory fish, everything is somewhat more complicated. It is not enough to calculate the crucian trail, you also need to know the time in which the crucian goes to feed. Therefore, the success in performing these two tasks will almost certainly guarantee a good catch.

It is best to catch the crucian on a float fishing rod andcome to the scene about 1.5-2 hours before the start of biting, so as not to hurry up to prepare a bait, feed a place and collect gear. There is one more difficulty here. The fact is that the crucian will not show interest in the well-fed place long enough. Therefore, in case the pack loses interest in the feeding place, it is necessary to wait again.

Some novice anglers make one roughmistake: if the crucian stops to peck, they strengthen the bait with more powerful flavors. In this case the pack will be frightened and will lose interest for a long time to this place.

So we explained to you how to catch the crucian carp. If some questions remain unclear, you can watch a video of how to catch the crucian carp and other fish.

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