Lawyers are specialists in the field of jurisprudence,that is, those people who specialize in the interpretation and application of laws, help to ensure legitimate activities in state bodies, enterprises, institutions.

The word "lawyer" can mean a person who simply has a legal education, but does not practice law.

Work as a lawyer

Thanks to excellent knowledge in legal mattersa lawyer can get advice on topics that relate to laws, rights and duties. Talking about what a lawyer does, one can say that in addition to consultation, he can also prepare necessary documents, various contracts, represent a person in negotiations or in court.

Legal person, except drawing updocuments, representation of clients in various transactions and consultations, should carry out a detailed analysis and review of existing legislation, make their assessment and draw up analytical documents with different legal issues.

The work of a lawyer can be rightfully called a good thing, because with the help of the law this specialist can protect those who have been offended or treated unfairly.

What should a lawyer know?

A lawyer should know the Constitution well,civil, criminal, labor, administrative and financial law. In addition, he must understand the psychology, the fundamentals of the economy, management and production, as well as know the basic methods of criminalistics. It is very important that such a specialist has logical thinking. On what other knowledge a lawyer should have, read in the article What a lawyer should know.

Professions of a lawyer

The word "lawyer" can mean different professions related to the law. Here, for example, are some of them:

  • notary;
  • the prosecutor;
  • tax or labor inspector;
  • lawyer;
  • legal adviser;
  • judge;
  • investigator.

Each of these professions is connected with the legal sphere and affects a certain branch of it.

Professional Qualifications of a Lawyer

Any lawyer in order to become a good specialist must possess the following qualities:

  • developed logical thinking and analytical thinking;
  • attentiveness;
  • stress resistance;
  • good memory;
  • literacy and a well-suspended language, sociability.
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