Head - the post to which many seekemployees committed different organizations: and office workers, and sales managers, and handymen. However, the chiefs do not take all. What kind of work is this, and how to become a boss? What qualities can help in this?

Who is the boss

The word "boss" comes from the verb "to start" - that is, it is actually someone who starts, organizes, leads a process.

The chief is an official whohas one or another share of power and has other people in its subordination. Chiefs come in different levels. For example, there is a head of the personnel service who reports to the administrative director (chief) along with the heads of other services. The administrative director reports to the general director, and the general manager, in turn, reports to the campaign resident. All of them have different duties, powers and also bear different degrees of responsibility.

What will help become a boss

Qualities that are necessary for take-off on the career ladder:

  • a responsibility;
  • initiative;
  • punctuality;
  • the ability to plan their actions, as well as the desire and ability to plan the actions of other employees to achieve better results;
  • strategic thinking;
  • the ability not only to point, but also to negotiate with people.

It is very important not only to fulfill ourimmediate duties in the current position, but also an expanded horizon and a desire to work more and over a wide range of tasks. It is important to show this and bring it to the current leader. After all, sooner or later he himself will be promoted, or he will need an assistant - and then he will pay attention to you.

But do not overdo it, do not be an upstart - after all, then the current leader will think that you are marking on his chair instead of him, and do not seek to help.

Feature of this work is a high degree of responsibility - for themselves, for employees and for the work process. If you are not one of those who are ready to take it upon themselves - then this post is not for you.

Learn more about the different professions from the Professions and Professions sections.

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