Tourism is an important source of incomeany state, that is why all developed countries of the world try to pay attention to its development. In addition, the degree of development of tourism directly shows the degree of development of the country's economy. And about the cultural and cognitive aspect of travel and in general you can not talk. In this article we will consider what are the factors of tourism development, and which influence is more pronounced in Russia.

All factors are conditionally divided into two large groups:

  • Static, that is, the value of which does not change over time. For example, natural-climatic and cultural-historical factors, which together determine the recreational resource of the country.
  • Dynamic, which includes factors that tend to be volatile. For example, material, technical, political, financial, economic and socio-demographic factors.

Attractive for touristsnatural and climatic factors are the diversity of landscapes, a large number of bays, bays and sea beaches and a number of other resources. Among the cultural and historical factors of tourists may be interested in monuments of architecture and history, highly developed spiritual and material culture, cultural ties and the diversity of nationalities and confessions within the population.

Dynamic factors

Dynamic factors of tourism in the mainare determined by the political situation in the country. Any crisis is the consequences of an incorrectly constructed policy in the state. Separately it is worth noting the policy in the country on the issue of tourism and interregional relations. It can greatly differ from full intervention, when all tourism is in the hands of the state, up to a small intervention that completely permits the competitive activity of the private sector in the field of tourism.

Financial and economic factors includethe economic situation in the state, the standard of living of the population, the prices of consumer goods, the financial security of tourism and economic stability in general

By socio-demographic factors understand the age and employment of the population, the level of its education and culture, the number of single people and childless couples, the level of urbanization.

The material and technical factors determine the possibility of creating a tourism industry, the availability of accommodation, the development of transport, trade and catering.

The main directions of tourism in Russia

All the above factors affecting tourism, one way or another played a role in the development of the tourism industry in our country.

Tourist industry went through a number of stagesdevelopment that led to it from the first travels, which were most often carried out with cognitive, religious and political goals, to a modern state characterized by a developed network of travel agencies and related businesses that provide comfort and comfort of travel.

For today in our country certain, the most attractive, tourist directions were formed. These include:

  • recreation on the coasts of the southern seas (resorts of the Krasnodar Territory)
  • cultural and historical tours of the "Golden Ring", consisting of the ancient cities of European Russia
  • sports-ecological tourism (fishing, hunting), widespread everywhere
  • cruises on large rivers (Lena, Volga, Yenisei, Irtysh)
  • Cruises by sea in the Far East
  • winter mountain and water tourism (Caucasus, Karelia, Altai, Arkhangelsk region, Kamchatka)

Development of tourism in Russia

The main factors affecting the development of tourism in theRussia, these are the factors of material and technical security. Consider how they are manifested in tourism in our country. To do this, we introduce the concept of tourism enterprises.

Tourism enterprises are organizations that provide the ability to travel and their comfort. These include:

  • travel agencies and tour operators
  • airlines
  • railway transport
  • hotels
  • public catering establishments
  • excursion enterprises and guides

And a number of other enterprises.

Tourist operators create a product designed for group tourism, in simple terms, they form a tour program, and travel agents sell finished tours to the end user, that is, the tourist.

An integral and important part of each tour is accommodation. For this, there are hotels, boarding houses, motels, holiday homes and other businesses.

Another important component of the tours is food, which is sold through the corresponding enterprises: restaurants, cafes, canteens and others.

No trip can do without transportenterprises. This is the airline, delivering tourists to the place of rest, and land transport, which allows organizing excursions, as well as water transport, providing walks and cruises.

Tours rarely do without a cultural program, which includes excursions, which are carried out by organizations or private guides.

Any tourist, one way or another, would like to have fun, because the tourism enterprises also include cinemas, clubs, halls with slot machines, water parks and other entertainers.

This list is not complete, but gives an idea of ​​what relates to tourism enterprises.

All resorts in Russia somehow developtourism enterprises. But problems still remain, for example, the problem of transport accessibility of many recreational resources. It influences not only domestic, but also international tourism.

Factors of development of international tourism in Russiatoday they mainly boil down to political and economic ones, because the country is just emerging from the crisis, international tourism is going through hard times. However, the government is actively developing the material and technical base in order to neutralize the influence of negative factors and attract both foreign tourists and investors to the tourism industry of Russia.

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