The holder of the honorary title "Veteran of Labor"enjoys certain benefits, so interest in this status is not weakening. In fact, you are a veteran of work. What documents are needed to formalize the status?

First of all, this is the passport of a Russian citizen. Also: a work book with its photocopy, an extract from the Pension Fund on the amount of the total length of service, a photograph of 3 by 4 cm. Documents for obtaining a labor veteran are complemented by certificates of awards, orders and medals, certificates of awarding titles "Specialist of the highest class "," Honorary Power Engineer "," Honored Teacher ". Confirming documents should also be duplicated by photocopies. If the beginning of your work was necessary for the period of the Great Patriotic War, when you were not yet of age, this will have to be confirmed by an archival certificate.

Documents for the registration of a labor veteran, filein the bodies of social protection in the place of your residence. When filling out an application for a rank, list all the collected materials in it. The application form will be provided to you at the institution. By submitting documents to the social service for consideration of your application, you can leave the originals at home, having handed over to the receiving person their photocopies. At the same time, this employee should be familiarized with the originals. After accepting the documents, he will appoint you a date for the next visit. The waiting period can range from one to fifteen days.

Keep in mind that submitting documents forgetting a veteran of labor you must personally. Of course, only you can receive a completed certificate. The procedure for awarding the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" is free.

We must be ready and to refuse to confer the title. This is possible, if not all the necessary documents are provided, if they contain incorrect or disputable information. Such actions of the social protection body can be appealed in court, however, only three months after the official refusal.

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