Every person who lives on this planet,there was such a situation when you need to do something, but he could not force himself to take up this matter, which was urgent and important. And, as it should, because of this, there were a lot of problems that make you think about how to get yourself to work at the right time?

How to get yourself to work - tips

Many can not force themselves to dosports, do lessons on time, take care of cleaning or finally clean your system in the computer, "surrender all the tails" for study - all this we postpone for tomorrow. At the same time, we think that tomorrow there will be more free time and we definitely will not be too lazy to deal with this already long-neglected business. Do you recognize yourself? If so, now we will try to explain to you how not to postpone your business for tomorrow.

So, let's try to figure out why we postpone important business for tomorrow?

Far to go we will not, we shall take for example morningcharging, what does it include? Warm up, jog and shower. Since we need to do exercises in the morning, and we are still sleeping sweetly in our beds, the first thing our inner voice says to us: "I'm lazy, do not come today?" And you completely agree with the opinion of your second "I". The first thought that comes to us: "we must get up early and engage in physical culture" - and whatever one may say, this thought becomes negative. To avoid this, the negative must be changed to positive! I'll take charge, I'll wash, I'll be up and about in the morning and will not want to sleep! It sounds much better, does not it?

Is not it profitable for you? You will increase your mood, drowsiness will disappear and in the end, your immune system will increase noticeably! And for this you no one will laugh, but on the contrary, everyone will envy your willpower. So the first answer to the question about how to get yourself to work is to reverse the negative for a positive!

The first thing you need to learn to do is to learn how to "fight" with your laziness.

But you can not keep in this situation in the exampleonly morning exercises, because we are all people, and everyone has important, urgent matters. So, to get yourself to work, you need to remove everything that distracts you from achieving the desired goal. The most important "parasites" that stop you all the time before an unoccupied case are the Internet, television, computer games, etc., are what we are most interested in, what we entertain ourselves in everyday life.

Do not blame the computer and TV in everything,Only you are guilty, because you can not tear yourself away from your entertainment and engage in useful activities. Recheck yourself and turn off the TV from the network, and you can put a password on the computer, the main thing is that you should not be put on it, for example, your friend or brother, so that once again there is no temptation to go online again.

Without these things, it will be much easier for you to proceedto the planned plans and finally to finish them to the end. And it's even better to take an example from an old proverb: "Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today." So all your business will be done on time, and the problems that might arise because of your laziness and the eternal question of how to get yourself to work, just evaporate.

There is one more problem - internal fear. Fear of the fact that we may not be able to achieve the desired result.

Insecurity in our abilities makes us beextremely cautious and indecisive in what we want to do. Because of this, we do not dare to get down to business, because any failure reduces the bar of our self-esteem, and the idea comes to mind that it is better not to deal with it yet, that we are not ready yet and postpone the case for later.

The simplest way out of this situation is to look at your fear "in the face," and step over it without looking back.

Our fear only warns that ourself-esteem is under threat, and if it is realized, then crossing it will not be so difficult. Of course, you can face problems and failures, you can make a mistake. So what's with that? The risk is in any business, but this is not a reason to give it up!

If you have read the article and follow our advice, you will never again ask yourself how to get yourself to work. All the best!

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