One of the basic rules is to write what youfeel and that the first comes to mind. It's okay if you have only one answer to different questions. Read by turns, answer and write, then see the results.

  1. You peer into the sea: your first sensation, you can close your eyes ...
  2. You walk through the forest and look under your feet: what you feel, for thinking is not more than 30-40 seconds.
  3. See the flight of seagulls: what are you experiencing with this.
  4. You see the herd of horses: write the first thing that comes to your mind, do not think for long.
  5. In the desert there is a wall with a small hole, behind which is an oasis: deutsya, what will you do.
  6. Tired in the desert, you see a jug of water along the way: what are you doing, not feelings, but actions.
  7. Lost in the woods, evening, I saw a house in which the window shines: what are you going to do.
  8. You are in a fog: how will you lead yourself.

Test results

What did Freud mean by these questions:

  1. Your attitude to life, emotions, feelings.
  2. Your state of health in your own family.
  3. Your attitude towards women.
  4. Your attitude towards men.
  5. Your main life strategy, goal. How to solve their problems.
  6. Your secret selectivity. Choosing a partner.
  7. Your willingness to marry.
  8. Your attitude towards death.
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