In psychology, this is called the "searchlight effect": as a rule, people pay less attention to you than you think.

Fuh, well, thank God.

But if people have the incentive to draw on youattention, everything changes. They begin to attach importance not only to your clothes or hair, but also to such seemingly insignificant details as handwriting and speed of speech.

At least, this is evidenced by the results of a poll conducted on the site Quora.

Here are the most curious answers of users to the question "What trivialities most talk about psychology and personality of a person?":

1. Handshake.

Several users admitted that they judge a person by shaking hands.

"A firm handshake is usually a sign of a strong and confident nature, and a weak one speaks of insecurity and almost always means that a person is looking for easy ways in everything."

Studies do not fully confirm this hypothesis. According to psychologists, strong handshakes are more common with expressive extroverts, and weak ones are shy neurotic.

2. Punctuality.

Are you late for an important meeting? This can cause the person who expects to have a negative attitude towards you.

"An active person always comes on time, because he is purposeful, organized and appreciates time, whereas a gyrating man always does everything at the last minute."

3. Attitude to the waiters.

Many users have written that it is important for them how a person behaves with the waiters.

"I will not ever meet a man who is rude to the service staff."

Even top managers say that a person can bemuch to tell by the way he behaves with the waiters, maids and guards. Ron Shake, general director of Panera Bread, in an interview mentioned that he somehow refused to hire a candidate who was polite to him, but nagged the cleaner.

4. Direction of sight when drinking.

"Those who look deep into the cup, from which theydrink, usually more introspective, conscious, idealistic and focused. And those who look over the edge are usually more prone to the influence of others, better feel the surrounding world, carefree, extraverted and trustful. And if a person drinks with closed eyes, then he experiences some kind of pain or discomfort, and tries to concentrate on pleasure and relief. "

And it's better to keep silent about the choice of a drink.

5. The habit of gnawing nails.

According to one user, if a person gnaws nails - this is a sign that he "is engaged in samoyedstvom."

But research shows that those who nibble on their nails (or pull their hair or pinch their skin) are prone to perfectionism and do not know how to completely relax.

6. Handwriting.

Whatever you write, your handwriting says a lot about you.

According to one user,

"Those who strongly press on the pen when writing, usually differ stubbornness. They are very confident in themselves. "

Professional graphologist Katie McKnight says,that large letters are a sign of openness, and small ones are introverts. If you write with a slope to the right, you probably friendly and sentimental; if at all without a slope - pragmatic; and if they are inclined to the left, they are introspective.

7. How often do you look at the phone.

One user wrote that he always drawsattention, "where and when people get phones (standing in a short queue, talking to parents, talking to friends, being alone among people)."

By results of researches, if you constantly update e-mail or a ribbon of facebook, you lack emotional stability and try to cheer yourself up.

8. Eye contact.

According to one user, a sluggish handshake and lack of eye contact "speaks of a lack of self-control, inability to bring things to an end and lack of will."

And the psychologist Adrian Furnham believes thatextroverts usually look at the interlocutor more often and more often than introverts. In general, those who often look close in the eyes, are more confident and strive to dominate the society.

9. The style of driving.

One user attaches special importance to the way a person drives a car, in particular, "how much he is courteous with other drivers".

Curiously, according to one study,men who are prone to risk driving are usually impulsive seekers of thrills, relatively aggressive and unfriendly; women of this category are often nervous and restless.

At the same time, cautious drivers of both sexes demonstrate a fairly low level of impulsiveness, aggression and unfriendliness.

10. The gait.

"If a person quickly seeds, most likely, he is very nervous."

Studies show that the majoritypeople agree with this conclusion: a relaxed gait is associated with extraversion and adventurism, and a chased step with neuroticism. However, these impressions do not always coincide with how they see themselves going.

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