Salt is a necessary product, which is available ineconomy for each person. They have been using it since ancient times, moreover, many signs and superstitions are associated with it. From our article you can find out what it's like to sprinkle salt.

What is the portrayal of sprinkled salt?

Many people know that spilling salt isa sign that foreshadows a quarrel. A person can quarrel not only with family members, but also with neighbors. Also, this sign promises a serious scandal in the house. It originates from ancient times, when salt was very expensive, and this trick was always punished.

It is necessary to pay attention to whatthe amount of salt was scattered. If it was a lot, then you should prepare for a huge scandal, which a person will not forget for a long time. In the course of it, feelings of close people will be hurt, and it is very difficult to forgive.

If the person sitting at the table was asked to hand over the salt shaker and the product accidentally fell apart, then soon these people quarrel to the nines, despite the friendly relations that linked them.

How can negative events be prevented?

Of course, nobody wants a scandal in the house, but, toFortunately, there are ways by which it will be possible to prevent negative events. So, on a hill of crumbling salt, you should immediately draw a cross. Thus, a person removes a negative from his house.

You can also hit your forehead and laugh: in the end, you will be able to tune in to a positive mood. Vedans advise the scattered salt to be thrown with three pinches through the left shoulder behind the back. Or you can simply ask the universe to take care of it: for sure it will listen to requests, and a negative event will not happen.

In order not to anger fate, it is not worth giving salt as a debt: after all, according to a sign, a person thus gives his well-being.

More interpretations of various superstitions can be found in our general section - Superstitions.

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