In a dream, everything can be imagined, therefore it is no wonder that a person experiences a variety of emotions and feelings in the world of dreams. Such feelings can also be deciphered.

From our article you will find out what the pain is about.

General interpretation of sleep about pain

Often a person dreams of pain, because heexperiences it in reality. In this dream nothing is laid, just the body sends a signal to the brain. However, in some cases, the dreamer in reality does not experience pain. It is this dream that should be interpreted. So, in most cases, such a symbol presages a person a disease. He should be examined before it's too late.

Interpretation for Women

If there was a pain in the whole body, then in the futurewill have to go through an unpleasant situation. Snovidice will have to justify himself for something; most likely, it will be the negative consequences of its decisions. Also such a dream can bring problems to the service.

To feel the pain in the abdomen - to the rashsolutions that lead to problems. Also, you should spend less, because money can still be very useful for a woman. To beat a man in a dream and see him writhing with pain - to repentance in his own actions.

Interpretation for men

Pain in a dream promises a man a misfortune in the future. Another's pain portends recovery, happiness, a happy occasion. If a dreamer experiences severe pain in a dream, then he has to survive the misfortune because of his imprudence. Seeing in a dream how many people suffer from pain means that the dreamer will dissolve rumors that will hurt his colleagues.

Sometimes a pain in a dream can indicate that the dreamer experiences emotional discomfort, which can lead to a serious illness.

Also visit our general section Dream Interpretation - Dream Book.

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